Burrillville is very pleased with the decision of the Energy Facilities Siting Board. The board was deliberate, fair and thoughtful as they evaluated the evidence and various presentations. We thank Todd Bianco and EFSB legal and administrative staff for their hard work and coordination of this massive effort.
There are many to thank, but I’m going to keep my comments to the town and its representatives but freely acknowledge that we had vast, widespread support statewide and regionally from many diverse factions.
Critical to our success at the EFSB hearings was our primary attorney Michael McElroy, Esq. and Glenn Walker of the Sansoucy Group. Numerous consultants such as Anthony Zemba, Tom Hevner, David Hessler, Eric Epner, the CDR Maguire Group, and other very knowledgeable professionals.
Particular thanks for a job well done at the EFSB hearings are our locals, Jeff Partington, chair(man) of the town’s Planning Board and Ken Johnson, chair(man) of the town Zoning Board. Both Jeff and Ken were very credible, knowledgeable and presented well before the EFSB Board. Town Council President John Pacheco, on behalf of the Town Council, provided vital written testimony.
Extremely important to our effort was Louise Phaneuf and the Town Clerk’s staff who coordinated town activities, hearings, etc. with the EFSB staff, and worked closely with Dyana Koelsch, to manage our web pages, to keep important information flowing and the town’s messaging up-to-date, working days, nights and weekends for over three long years!
And, finally, the small army of town residents, their friends and supporters who worked tirelessly, not only here in Burrillville, but throughout the state to convey our message and concerns about the project, resulting in opposition to the power plant from 32 of 39 cities and towns in Rhode Island and many towns in nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut.
Burrillville won against all odds, and that is the bottom line!
Michael C. Wood
Michael Wood has served as town manager for Burrillville for 23 years.