Wright’s, Bella closed for two weeks: Most Burrillville restaurants serving takeout


BURRILLVILLE – Restaurants in town reacted to the order to halt dine-in service on Tuesday, March 17, with some opting to stick strictly to serving take-out , and others announcing closure through March 30.

Below is a list of announcements from local establishments.

Bella Restaurant: closed

“We will not be open for takeouts. Please stay safe and try to make the most out of these terrible circumstances. Our thoughts and prayers are with all and we have faith that if we all adhere to the guidelines that this will pass quickly and all will be well.”

“Looking forward to better days!”

The Calapai Family and Staff

Bravo Brewing Company: closed

Bravo Brewing Company will be closed for all sales and events at least until the week of March 30th, pending further COVID-19 developments. We have given a lot of thought on whether to open for can sales or not, and decided it was in our and our community’s best interest to stay home and stay focused on everyone’s wellbeing. We are so grateful to each of you in our Bravo family and we look forward to seeing you in the taproom as soon as we can. In the meantime, be well friends and take care of each other! 🙏🍻”

With gratitude, Bri & Chris

Crystal Lake Tavern

Limited take out menu Friday, March 20 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Call ahead to place your order 4015674500 x 18.

Menu found here.

Excellent Breakfast: limited hours, curbside pickup and delivery, no cash

If you give us a call at 710-7089 to place an order and give us the car make+model, we’ll hand you your takeout when you get here. Unfortunately we cannot accept any in-person orders for everyone’s safety. We are also going to tentatively try delivering, and the bag will be left at your front door. In both of these scenarios we ask that you pay by card over the phone—we will not be accepting any cash.”

“I may also be able to add some basic groceries to your order this week—think bread/eggs/milk/juice (if that’s something people are interested in I can expand our offerings with demand). As of now we have Bolt’s fantastic coffee in 12 oz retail bags. Perhaps you have a neighbor in need who could use some good bread and butter or a hot breakfast. As long as there is demand I will be open and paying as much of my (admittedly small) staff in an effort to keep us all afloat.”

Hours: Wed. – Sun., 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Johnny’s Victory Diner: Limited hours, discounts, take out only

“We are committed to our community during this trying time. With the news release of restaurants having no inside dining, we want to make sure you know that we have come up with a temporary plan. We still want to help you and your family, but we need your full support in order to keep our doors open. We will be opening limited hours with our full menu. You can choose from curbside pick up at the diner -or- delivery within a 10 mile radius for $3 only. This is a day by day approach.

- New temporary hours:  8 a.m. to 1 p.m.  
- Free pancake or scrambled eggs for children ages 13 or younger for curbside pick up. 
- Gift cards discounted 10%
- Food discounts

*We are going to offer all of the above as long as we are able to. We know many restaurants in the area are shutting down and we understand. We will be here for you as long as we possibly can. Stay safe and healthy.”

George’s Pizza & Pub

Open for take out and delivery.

Nikos Pizza

Open for take out and delivery

Serios Pizzarama & Restaurant

Open for take out and delivery.

Thai Royal

Open for take out

The Taco Shop

Open for take out.

The Western Hotel

Open for take out.

Uncle Ronnie’s Red Tavern

Take out 4 p.m. to 8 pm.

Waterfall Cafe


“We will see how long this will pan out and hope we all will be able to reopen when it is over.”


Wright’s Farm Restaurant

“Wright’s Farm Restaurant and Gift Shop will remain closed for both dine-in and take-out for the time being in accordance with state mandates. The health and wellbeing of our community is everyone’s primary concern in these difficult times. We look forward to welcoming you back. Stay safe and healthy everyone!”

– Frank Galleshaw, Owner, Wright’s Farm Restaurant

Don’t forget:

Restaurants specializing in takeout will continue serving, including Cow’s Tail Deli and the recently-open Pamfilio’s Catering.

A note from NRI NOW: People are advised to stay at home as much as possible and use caution during this time. The extent of the spread of COVID 19 remains unknown and your behavior – including staying home when sick, proper hand-washing and limiting behavior – will help our state to control this health crisis. Be safe, northern Rhode Island.  

Restaurants can send news and updates about changes to their menu, services and hours as the region reacts to the threat of the coronavirus to [email protected].  

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