Car show & vehicle safety the focus of latest coloring cartoon for kids


BURRILLVILLE – After a slow start, it is cruising season once again for automotive enthusiasts.

Restrictions on classic car shows and cruise nights have recently been lifted in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut, and it’s finally time for fans to get together and enjoy the classic automotive hobby and lifestyle.

Guests are allowed to attend the popular venues on a limited basis, and Burrillville-based artist and public safety advocate Jim Weicherding has been attending the automotive events every week, reminding kids and everyone else about the importance of wearing seatbelts while riding in vehicles.

Weicherding passes out thousands of his Bucky Classic Cruisin’ Coloring posters, stickers, fridge magnets, book page savers and coloring books every summer to kids and adults to help them stay safer in their family vehicles and show vehicles. It is his 20th consecutive year advocating for safety at the shows.

Weicherding’s Buckleupallofus Child Passenger Safety Campaign is a federal and state award-winning program utilized by police departments, fire departments, child safety advocates, pediatricians, nurses, teachers, librarians and children’s hospitals across Rhode Island and the surrounding region.

The safety advocate reminds car show attendees to wear face masks and keep a safe distance from one another at the automotive venues – so the events don’t go away until next year.

Below is the latest segment in Weicherding’s Seasons of Safety series. Readers are invited to print the coloring cartoon and talk to their children about vehicle safety.

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