Spooky Walk, Pickin’ at the Pavilion: Five things to know in No. Smithfield this week


Spooky Walk

The North Smithfield Public Library invites you to celebrate Halloween week with a fun – and socially distant – family activity.  Ghostly and ghastly surprises await as you explore the library gardens and woods. Guests can go on the “Spooky Walk” from Monday, Oct. 26 through Saturday, Oct. 31 during regular library hours, which are Monday through Thurs. 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., and Sat. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.  Library staff warns visitors that coming after dark is at your own risk!

For more information contact the Youth Services Librarian at 767-7680.

Kick or Treat

Mastery Martial Arts will host “Kick or Treat,” this week, an opportunity to celebrate with others from a distance with costumes, games and prizes. Guests are invited to join free community Zoom Halloween party classes at several dates and times between Monday, Oct. 26 and Thursday, Oct. 29.

The schedule and Zoom link for the events can be found here.

Pickin at the Pavilion

Bob Marks and Friends will visit Lindy’s Tavern on Saturday, Oct. 31 from 2-6 p.m. for a socially distanced event dubbed Pickin at the Pavilion. Enjoy a live acoustic performance with some improvisation with Jay Parker as the one-piece orchestra and vocals;  Kyle Hardendorf as lead acoustic and vocals; and Bob Marks on the five string banjo.

Turkey Trot

The Saint Antoine community is holding a virtual 5K from November 20 through 27, inviting residents to run, walk, waddle and trot while helping to raise funds for a resident/community walking path on the facility grounds.

Registration costs $25 and comes with a commemorative race shirt, and all participants will be eligible to win raffle prizes. To register, visit https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E55778&id=10.

For more information or to learn about sponsorship opportunities, contact Development Director Natalie Mack at (401) 767-3500 ext. 137 or [email protected].

Town meetings

The North Smithfield Historic District Commission will hold a virtual meeting on Monday, Oct. 26 starting at 6:30 p.m. An agenda and instructions to attend can be found here.

The North Smithfield Personnel Board will hold a meeting on Monday, Oct. 26 starting at 6:30 p.m. The agenda and a link to attend are here.

The North Smithfield Building Review Task Force will hold a meeting on Thursday, Oct. 29. The agenda and instructions to attend are here.

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