Property sales in North Smithfield between Dec. 1 & Dec.4


The following is a list pf property sales recorded in the North Smithfield Town Clerk’s office between Tuesday, Dec. 1 & Friday, Dec. 5.

1028 Providence Pike
Seller: Ryan Brouillette
Buyer: Christopher Wagner & Raquel Kodos
Price: $315,000

45 Brookside Drive
Seller: Michael & Kailee Levesque
Buyer: Jean Tiloy
Price: $465,000

735 Victory Highway
Seller: Roger & Maria Eydenberg
Buyer: Emily Ruel & Scott Harding
Price: $285,000

Land (6.24 acres)

197 Old Great Road
Seller: Michael Mongeon (trustee)
Buyer: Wayne McPherson
Price: $180,000

111 Follett St.
Seller: Michael Larko
Buyer: Benjamin Smidt
Price: $130,000

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