Town offers holiday recyling


    The highway garage at 281 Quaker Highway will be accepting cardboard and wrapping paper on Tuesday, Dec. 29. Materials can be dropped off from 3 to 5 p.m., along with yard waste or accepted recyclables. The town offers free drop off for ridged plastic and scrap metal items. as well as used motor oil. Officials remind resident not to leave items outside the gate after business hours, as they will take notice.

    Department of Public Works officials noted that Christmas Trees can also be recycled, with live trees composted and artificial trees processed with scrap metal. All trees must be free of ornaments, tinsel and lights, and cannot be in plastic bags.

    The town will offer curbside pickup for live trees starting Thursday, Dec. 28, and running through Jan. 15. Live trees will be picked up by DPW on regular trash days, weather permitting. Residents can also bring the trees to the highway garage during regular business hours.

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