Burrillville 2020: A year in pictures

The town held a rally backing police and firefighters in October, an event that also served as a fundraiser for the Burrillville Police Department's Christmas drive. Pictured from left are Burrillville Police Officers Linda Murray and Alexander Rosa and Asst. Animal Control officer Amanda Bourquin

It was a year that, for better or worse, those who lived through it will never forget. 

Whenever we could be in 2020, NRI NOW was there to capture it. When we couldn’t – due to pandemic-ordered crowd restrictions and the need to follow statewide orders to stay home – we did what we could to document the year via photos provided to us. 

 Below is our selection of the best photos from what has been, without a doubt, a unique and challenging year in town.   


The Burrillville High School robotics team was named winner of the FIRST Tech Challenge Inspire Award at a New England Institute of Technology competition on Saturday, Jan. 4


In February, students at AT Levy Elementary School greeted a special visitor: Major Rich Schanda, an Air Force helicopter pilot who is serving with a British squadron as part of an exchange assignment program. Shanda, right, visited the school to thank students in person for care packages they sent overseas. He and wife Meredith Schanda posed with cousin Heather Reifler, a mother of a student at the school, and family. Credit: Sandy Seoane

More than 350 people turned out for Burrillville Aging Stronger’s winter Lunch & Learn event at Wright’s Farm Restaurant on Thursday, Feb. 6. Credit: Sandy Seoane


In March, K9 Rex joined the Burrillville Police Department. Pictured are Rex and his handler, Off. Bret Simas. Credit: Sandy Seoane

As the region went on lock down in March, photographer Meagan Sharum called families to their front steps for the Front Porch Project. Pictured are Tia and Jonathon Armand, with daughters 8-year-old Ellie and 2-year-old Mila pose at their home. Credit: Meagan Sharum 


Deputy Animal Control Officer Kerry Courtemanche-Brissette was name Shelter Worker of the Year by Handsome Dan Rescue in April. She would be promoted to ACO later in the year following the retirement of Officer Ronald Woods.


In May, a community effort to honor graduates from the Burrillville High School Class of 2020 raised more than $6,500. Pictured, Senior Sierra Madden writes messages for her classmates on the back of the signs, erected on the front lawn of the school. Credit: Sandy Seoane

Banners for Burrillville’s “Hometown Heroes,” also went up in May, an effort by the American Legion Berard-Desjarlais Post 88 to honor the living heroes who served in U.S. conflicts of the 1940s and 1950s. Credit: Sandy Seoane


Crowds came out to show support for a parade honoring graduates in the Burrillville High School Class of 2020 in June. Credit: Sandy Seoane
It was at a quiet Levy Rink that seniors in the Burrillville High School Class of 2020 walked the stage at individual appointments. Pictured, graduate Joshua Nino poses for a photograph after receiving his diploma. Credit: Sandy Seoane
As Black Lives Matters protests erupted across the country in June, a group walked the streets of Harrisville in solidarity. School Resource Pictured, Officer Dave Beauchemin makes way for the protesters, led by Nikki Felice. Credit: Sandy Seoane


The Burrillville Democratic Town Committee held two drive-through signature events in July, where candidates for public office gathered the signatures for their nomination papers.
Hardware stores saw a boon through the summer months as restless residents began home improvement projects. Pictured are Gary and Kathy Rouleau at Lawrence Bros. Hardware on Chapel Street. Credit: K. Iacobbo


Workers from Pascoag Utility District clean up after a storm that knocked out power to thousands of homes across the state in August.
Burrillville’s Tina Breault opened Solitude Massage Therapy and Wellness Center in August.


Pascoag Fire District participated in the National Fallen Firefighter Foundation’s “Light the Night,” project in September in honor of Lt. Richard Jenks, a 33 year veteran of the department who died at the age of 72 while fighting a chimney fire in town. On Sunday, Sept. 27, the fire stations on Howard Avenue and Main Street were illuminated in red as part of the movement to honor fallen firefighters from across the country.


The town held a rally backing police and firefighters in October, an event that also served as a fundraiser for the Burrillville Police Department’s Christmas drive. Pictured from left are Burrillville Police Officers Linda Murray and Alexander Rosa and Asst. Animal Control officer Amanda Bourquin. Credit: K. Iacobbo


An election in November saw wins for several Burrillville Republicans. From left are Sen. Jessica de la Cruz, and Councilors Justin Batalon and Raymond Trinque. Credit: Sandy Seoane


Pack 1 Scouts were joined by Boy Scout Troop 102 in December caroling to residents at Bayberry Commons. Credit: Sandy Seoane
At a “Rolling Rally” in December, more than 100 Jeeps and firetrucks escorted Santa and Mrs. Claus through Burrillville. Credit: Sandy Seoane

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