Talk on civil rights, vaccine team needed: Five things to know in N. Smithfield


Town forming vaccine team

The town of North Smithfield is putting together a plan to be ready for the administration of COVID-19 vaccines to the public. Town officials are currently compiling a list of volunteers including both health care professionals to administer the vaccine, and other citizens to work at the point of distribution, including checking people in, traffic control and other needed assistance. Dates of the vaccination will be determined by the Rhode Island Department of Health.

Those interested in volunteering are asked to contact North Smithfield Emergency Management Agency Director Col. Peter Branconnier at
[email protected]  or (401) 767-2206.

Those eligible to administer the vaccine include any active or retired licensed health care professionals including: physicians, physician assistants, nurse midwives, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, advanced practice nurses, pharmacists, podiatrists, dentists, dental hygienists with training to administer anesthesia, veterinarians, advanced emergency medical technicians, emergency medical technicians with intramuscular epinephrine administration training, and paramedics.

Deadline is Friday for new town committee

Those interested in joining North Smithfield’s new Democratic Town Committee have until Friday, Jan. 22 to contact organizers. The committee is open to all registered Democrats in North Smithfield and has scheduled its first organizational meeting for Tuesday, Jan. 26.

Those interested are asked to email [email protected] .

Read more about the new group here.

Community Conversation on Civil Rights

Monday, Jan. 18 is Dr. Martin Luther King Day and Town Hall will be closed  in observance of the holiday. There will also be no trash or recycling pickup and pickup will be delayed one day for the remainder of the week.

In neighboring Woonsocket, the MLK Community Committee has organized A Community Conversation on Civil Rights in honor of the holiday to be held at 2 p.m. on Monday and all are welcome to attend. Register here to receive information about joining the meeting.

Museum schedules next Valley Talk on Slatersville  

The latest pre-screening segment of Slatersville: America’s First Mill Village will be held on Sunday, Feb. 7 at 1 p.m. as part of the Museum of Work and Culture’s Virtual Valley Talks series.

Valley Talks are biweekly historical lectures offered by the museum free of charge.  Slatersville is a historical documentary series by critically acclaimed filmmaker Christian de Rezendes, and the event will feature its sixth work-in-progress piece, “Henry Plimpton Kendall: They Will All Be My Friends.” The segment will focus on Kendall, who purchased the Slatersville mill and village in 1915 and brought it from a state of low morale to a New England renaissance.

The full series is scheduled to have its world premiere on Rhode Island PBS in the fall of this year.

Register to attend the event via Zoom here.

Town meetings

The North Smithfield Town Council will hold a meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 19 starting at 6:45 p.m. The agenda and a link to attend virtually can be found here.

The North Smithfield School Committee will hold a meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 19 starting at 6:30 p.m. An agenda and link to attend via Zoom can be found here.

The North Smithfield Sewer Commission will hold a meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 20 starting at 7 p.m. The agenda and a link to attend can be found here.

The North Smithfield Municipal Buildings Review Task Force will hold a meeting on Thursday, Jan. 21 at 5:30 p.m. The agenda and link for attendance are here. 

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