Town forming vaccine team


    The town of North Smithfield is putting together a plan to be ready for the administration of COVID-19 vaccines to the public. Town officials are currently compiling a list of volunteers including both health care professionals to administer the vaccine, and other citizens to work at the point of distribution, including checking people in, traffic control and other needed assistance. Dates of the vaccination will be determined by the Rhode Island Department of Health.

    COVID-19 vaccine can be administered by licensed providers, including both those with prescribing privileges, including physicians and qualified advanced practice registered nurses, and those with technical expertise who have received additional training, including dentists, dental hygienists with local anesthesia permit, veterinarians, pharmacists, and medical assistants, when under the direction of a prescribing clinician.

    Advanced EMT-Cardiac level and Paramedics are allowed to administer vaccine at Point of Distribution clinics only.

    Those interested in volunteering are asked to contact North Smithfield Emergency Management Agency Director Col. Peter Branconnier at
    [email protected]  or (401) 767-2206.

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