Familiar faces named to boards & committees in North Smithfield

From left are Planning Board member Jeffrey Porter, new Parks & Recreation Committee member Ana Parsons and School Committee member Paul Jones, who this week was also appointed to serve on the Economic Development Commission.

NORTH SMITHFIELD – Dozens of volunteers were appointed to town boards and commissions this week, with new and returning residents stepping up to serve.

Town Councilors confirmed appointments to positions on committees from planning, to parks and recreation, with all but a few of those named approved unanimously.

A motion by Councilor Kimberly Alves to appoint former Town Councilor Douglas Osier to the Budget Commission, however, died for lack of a second.

Instead, MaryBeth Sosa was confirmed for a three year term in a 4-1 vote, with Alves voting against the appointment, and Cheryl Marandola was confirmed to fill the remainder of a three year term ending next year unanimously.

On the Conservation Commission, Town Administrator Paul Zwolenski reappointed Christopher Serrano and Steven Berenback to serve, adding new members John Masse and John Russo, all of whom were approved unanimously.

Zwolenski appointed School Committee member Paul Jones to a five-year term on Economic Development Commission, which was also confirmed unanimously.

Jeffrey Fontaine and Keith Nadeau will continue to serve on the Historic District Commission after reappointment by the council, and Robert Guernon will remain on the Juvenile Hearing Board. Joining that board for will be April Lombardi, who was confirmed unanimously and Bob Jalette, who was confirmed in a 4-1 vote with Councilor Paul Vadenais voting against the appointment.

Marandola and Ana Parsons, who both had failed bids for a seat on the Town Council during the November election, will serve two year terms on the Parks & Recreation Committee. Marandola was reappointed along with member Ann Lilley, while Chase Fuller and April Lombardi, the wife of School Committee Chairman James Lombardi, were among those confirmed as newcomers.

Guernon, Carol Drainville and Suzanne Bernier were reappointed for three year terms on the Personnel Board.

Planning Board member Jeffrey Porter was appointed for another five year term in a 4-1 vote, with Vadenais casting dissent. Roland Menard and Catherine Kennedy were unanimously confirmed to hold seats as alternates.

On the Sewer Commission, Chairman William Dorry was unanimously reappointed for a five-year term.

Councilors tabled the decision, meanwhile, to name members of the Senior Citizen Advisory Committee, with Beauregard noting that due to extensive interest, he would like to discuss increasing the size of that board from 5 to 7 members.

Vadenais noted that the board has already been in effect for two years with just three members serving, but has never met.

This time around, it seems, interest the committee has grown.

“We may decide that we don’t change it,” Beauregard said. “I’d just like to have a discussion.”

Zwolenzki said that it was the largest outpouring of people who wish to serve that he’s ever seen in his decades of work for the town.

A decision on appointments to the Zoning Board was also tabled for review following a discussion on term requirements.

Editor’s note: An original version of this article stated that Meredith Sousa, not MaryBeth Sosa was appointed to the Budget Commission. We apologize for the error. 

From left are Planning Board member Jeffrey Porter, new Parks & Recreation Committee member Ana Parsons and School Committee member Paul Jones, who this week was also appointed to serve on the Economic Development Commission.

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