N.S. Democratic Town Committee elects slate of officers


NORTH SMITHFIELD — During their first organizational meeting in years, the North Smithfield Democratic Town Committee has elected a slate of officers and is ready to get to work.

The meeting was a mix of experienced activists and people who are new to local politics, and according to a release from the committee, they are all united in a vision of an inclusive group that will offer more residents the opportunity to get involved.

“We all have our own skill sets”, said member John Torvi, who discussed the advantages of being open to new voices who may have been too intimidated to get involved in the past.

“Each little bit you do will contribute to the greater good”, said former Town Administrator Paulette Hamilton, who was elected vice chairperson.

The members in attendance reportedly discussed the goals of the organization, including acting as a community forum and serving as a support for residents who wish to get involved, but don’t know how.

“Having run in this town in the past, I know how overwhelming it can be to do it on your own,” said Melissa Flaherty, a former member of the Town Council and School Committee. Flaherty was later elected treasurer of the committee.

Paul Jones, a School Committee member who announced the initiative to relaunch the group last month, was elected chairman; and Chase Fuller was named secretary. Residents Torvi, Mary Cimini and George Malian were named to the executive committee.

The next meeting will be held in late February.

Registered Democrats in North Smithfield who are interested in joining the committee are asked to email [email protected].

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