Registration to open for vaccines, lent begins: Five things to know in Burrillville


No trash delay

Trash and recycling pickup will not be delayed on Monday, Feb. 15, President’s Day, although some offices will be closed.

Vaccine registration

Registration for town vaccination events for residents age 75 and older will open beginning at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 16 via an online portal. Links to the portal can be found here, and each date will close as appointments fill up.

Town residents will receive 120 doses per week of the vaccine each Saturday for the next four weeks at appointment-only events at Burrillville Middle School. To make registration easier, town staff recommends filling out the online registration questionnaire in advance, which can be found here.

For those with no other means to register or get to the events, the town has opened a dedicated phone line.  Residents in need of help are asked to call (401) 710-7800.

Read the full announcement from the town with the latest information on the clinics here.

Ticket winner

Congratulations to Samantha Young, winner of a raffle fundraiser to save Sweet’s Hill put on by the Burrillville Land Trust. Young won 100 $5 Massachusetts Lottery scratch tickets in a drawing held at Bravo Brewing Company on Sunday, Feb. 14.

The raffle was the first event in an ongoing effort to raise $2.2 million to save the iconic East Avenue property.

Lent begins

Wednesday, Feb. 17 marks the start of Lent for area Christians, and while Ash Wednesday will not be the same amid the pandemic, many local churches have been offering services online.

St. Joseph & St. Patrick in Burrillville will hold a free online service via Facebook Live to mark the first week of lent on Saturday, Feb. 20 starting at 4 p.m.

Town meetings

The Burrillville Conservation Commission will hold a virtual meeting starting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 16. An agenda and link to attend is here.

The Oakland Mapleville Fire District will hold a joint meeting with the Nasonville Fire District at 46 Oakland School St. for a study committee on merging the two districts on Tuesday, Feb. 16 starting at 7 p.m. The agenda can be found here. 

The Burrillville Budget Board will hold a meeting on Thursday, Feb. 18 starting at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. The agenda and link to attend can be found here.

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