Prevention coalition publishes guide for alcohol licensees


BURRILLVILLE/NORTH SMITHFIELD – The Blackstone Valley Prevention Coalition recently published a guide to support alcohol licensees in the region. The publication is titled, “Alcohol Licensee Guide: An Overview of Underage Drinking, RI Laws, and Responsible Alcohol Sales.”

BVPC is a regional coalition comprised of Burrillville, Central Falls, Cumberland, Lincoln, North Smithfield, Pawtucket and Woonsocket, and part of the organization’s mission is to work with businesses licensed to sell and/or serve alcohol and support them in understanding the risks related to underage drinking. The idea to develop the guide came from a desire to strengthen its partnership and support of licensees and their employees in this area, according to a release from the group. It is believed to be the first of its kind in the state.

Information in the guide includes facts and consequences of underage drinking, alcohol’s affects on the brain, standard drink size, blood alcohol concentration, binge drinking, alcohol poisoning, Rhode Island state laws related to the sale of alcohol to underage youth, properly checking IDs, and best business practices.

Lisa Carcifero, regional director of the BVPC stated, “We are very pleased to be able to provide this valuable resource to alcohol licensees in our region. Ensuring responsible alcohol sales and service is a major responsibility. We hope that this guide helps them with that, especially regarding preventing underage drinking. The guide will also be available to other organizations throughout RI.”

The development and publishing of the guide was made possible through a Partnerships for Success Grant from the RI Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals.

Copies of the guide were recently mailed to over 150 alcohol licensees operating establishments such as liquor stores, restaurants, and bars/taverns in Burrillville, Central Falls, Lincoln and Woonsocket, the communities involved in the grant. Future plans are to distribute them to licensees in the other communities in the region: Cumberland, North Smithfield and Pawtucket. A Spanish version of the guide is also being developed for distribution.

Any licensee who did not receive the guide or needs additional printed copies should email Cheryl DaCosta at [email protected]. A pdf version of the guide can also be downloaded by visiting the Not So Easy Program page of the BVPC’s website at:

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