Burrillville hosts Scavenger Hunt & March 20 Easter Parade


BURRILLVILLE – While COVID-19 has once again cancelled the town of Burrillville’s traditional annual Easter events in 2021, officials have come up with some creative replacements, with the fun starting this week.

The Parks & Recreation Department will host an Easter Scavenger Hunt, along with an Easter Parade in place of the normal egg hunt and breakfast with the bunny.

The COVID-conscious DIY scavenger hunt begins this week, with participants of all ages invited to track down items via clues on the list published below for the chance to win a gift basket.

Town officials note that the hunt can be done at your own pace, and participants can go out as family groups or on their own.  

“The Scavenger Hunt is kind of cool, because it gets people to get out of the house and see parts of towns they might not normally,” said Recreation Director Andrea Hall.

The contest includes 12 items, found at places such as the, “eight-sided structure at the Town Common.” Hunters must print the below form, fill in the color of the picture associated with each item, and return the completed list by mail or email before the deadline of Friday, March 26.

Prizes will be the the Easter baskets normally handed out at the annual egg hunt and breakfast, filled with candy, stuffed animals and toys.

“We’re going to have quite a few,” Hall said, noting she currently has around 18 baskets. Winners will be called by phone to collect their prize.

On Saturday, March 20, the Easter bunny will take a break from breakfast and hop aboard a fire truck instead for a parade through town. The bunny and his police and fire escorts will stop at four town schools, and families are invited to park in the school lots and stay inside their vehicles.

The parade will take off at 10 a.m., from Father Holland School traveling on Sayles Avenue, South Main Street, Lapham Farm Road, and Steere Farm Road before heading to Steere Farm Elementary.  The group will then continue along Steere Farm Road, Harrisville Main Street, and East Avenue  to the third stop is at Burrillville High School.

From BHS, it will travel onto Whipple Avenue, Oakland School Street, Victory Highway, Douglas Pike, and Broncos Highway before ending the route at Burrillville Middle School.

Families are also welcome to wave from spots along the parade route or rather, “bunny trail.”

The rain date for the event is Saturday, March 27.

And for a little extra Easter fun, Hall has created wood cut-outs of an 8-foot Easter bunny and a six-foot carrot, where kids can measure themselves and take a photo at the Town Common.

“You still have an opportunity for picture,” Hall said.

“We’re keeping to social distancing guidelines and crowd limits,” said Hall. “We are disappointed that we can’t offer our usual breakfast and egg hunt due to COVID restrictions, but we’re hoping these alternatives will be a fun way to get everyone outside safely.”

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