Burrillville woman charged with child abuse, felony assault


BURRILLVILLE – A Burrillville woman is facing felony charges after her ex-boyfriend reported witnessing the ongoing abuse of her children in incidents that were later confirmed by the victims.

Christine Gingell, 51, was charged with second degree child abuse, felony assault with a dangerous weapon and felony assault and battery, after a several-month long investigation by the Burrillville Police Department.

According to reports, Gingell’s former boyfriend told police he witnessed physical and verbal abuse on numerous occasions before and after living with the suspect. Both children in the family were interviewed and discussed specific incidents with police, including one in which Gingell allegedly pushed her child’s head through a glass door.

The child who reportedly was the more frequent victim described years of abuse with incidents of objects being thrown and being choked by Gingell.

After interviewing the parties, police brought the incidents to the state Attorney General’s office, and were told to move forward with felony charges.

Court records show Gingell is currently the plaintiff in a case charging the boyfriend with domestic abuse from charges dating back to January.

She was released on $10,000 personal recognizance and is scheduled for a pre-trial conference in May.

The arrest comes as the Associated Press reports that child abuse investigations and interventions have dropped 18 percent since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, noting that the virus has eliminated many systemic safety nets. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month.

If you believe you or someone you know has been a victim of physical or sexual child abuse, report the crime immediately. Additional information on available resources can be found at www.dayoneri.org or by calling 1-800-494-8100 for the 24-hour Victims of Crime Helpline.

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