Gardening, NS Days & youth volleyball: Five things to know in North Smithfield this week

The North Smithfield Heritage Association thanked Kristen Cheamitru for showing the organization a previously unrecorded cemetery in the woods between Eaton Street and Mount Pleasant Road. The North Smithfield lot contains about ten burials with field stone grave markers, and one is inscribed with initials and the date 1851.

Get involved

The North Smithfield Parks & Recreation Committee is currently soliciting volunteers for two subcommittees: the Halliwell Community Garden and a North Smithfield Running & Fitness Subcommittee. All passionate residents are encouraged to apply.

The Community Garden Subcommittee will be chaired by Ann Lilley, and half of the farmed produce will be donated to the North Smithfield Food Pantry, while the other half is reserved for personal use. Read more about the project at

An informational meeting about the garden will be held on Friday, May 14 at 6:30 p.m. Extra seedlings will be available, and attendees are invited to bring a container and a donation for the pantry. Questions can be directed to Lilley at [email protected].

The Running & Fitness Subcommittee will be chaired by Chase Fuller. Though in its nascent stages, this subcommittee will provide the community with fun ways to stay active in group settings throughout the year. This includes, but is not limited to: weekly group runs/walks, track workouts, and nature hikes. According to Fuller, there is considerable potential for the group to expand into other activities Fuller hopes to start meeting by Memorial Day and have the first events in late June or early July.

The volunteer form can be found at–_KLk/edit?fbclid=IwAR2YxAOjxeu0CSJqDShIuo49OjFZaNxqOkolQgU8i4envsvj3bXoAx1MVlY
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, and the committee is committed to creating an open and inclusive volunteer membership, according to a release.

Youth volleyball

The North Smithfield Parks & Recreation Department has announced a new youth volleyball league to take place at the new sand court at Pacheco Park. League play is scheduled to be held from June 28 through August 23, and a free introductory clinic will be held on Saturday, June 26 from 9 a.m. to noon. All town residents age 10 to 16 are welcome to register and the cost for the season is $80.

For more information, email Recreation Director Kate Pasquariello at [email protected].

N.S. Days

The Parks & Recreation Department has also announced that North Smithfield Days, the latest event in the ongoing celebration of the town’s 150th birthday, will take place in July. Festivities will include 3rd Grand Finale fireworks and will take place from July 8-10.

To follow the latest information as more details are released, follow Parks and Recreation on Facebook and Instagram.

Pantry announces May needs, pickup dates

The North Smithfield Food Pantry has announced May pick up dates, to be held on Saturdays, May 22 & 29 from 10:00-10:30 a.m., and Tuesdays, May 18 & 25 from 5:30- 6:00 p.m. the pantry serves North Smithfield residents and recipients must have a photo ID and a bill that confirms a town address, Those in need can attend all four times the pantry is open per month. It is located at the Slatersville Congregational Church UCC on the Common.

Due to the pandemic, the food is distributed through a drive through at the church and visitors are asked stay in cars and line up on Green Street.  Questions can be directed to (401) 678-0356.

May needs are cereal ,canned fruit, tuna and chicken. Financial donations can be sent to: North Smithfield Food Pantry, PO Box 283, Slatersville, RI 02876

Town meetings

The North Smithfield Conservation Commission will hold a virtual meeting on Tuesday, May 11 starting at 6:30 p.m. An agenda and link to attend can be found here.

The North Smithfield Zoning Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, May 11 starting at 7 p.m. The agenda and instructions to attend are here.

The North Smithfield Planning Board will hold a virtual meeting on Thursday, May 13 starting at 7:05 p.m. An agenda and link to attend via Zoom are here.

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