Water report, ‘Days’ update: Five things to know in North Smithfield this week

Pictures published by Supt. Michael St, Jean documented the last day of school for North Smithfield students last week.


The North Smithfield Heritage Association has announced a 2021 Gala to be held at The Village Haven on Saturday, July 31 from 6 to 10 p.m. The event will include dinner, raffles and dancing, with proceeds to benefit the town’s historic preservation programs. Tickets cost $25.

For more information, or to purchase tickets, contact Bill Nangle at (401) 578-4360 or email [email protected] or [email protected].

Water report

Results of the 2020 Consumer Confidence Report for the Slatersville Water Supply were released this week, showing no violations for the calendar year. The report notes that violations were found in some of the systems that provide water to Slatersville, namely, Pawtucket and Cumberland.

The complete report can be found here.

Survey deadline

Residents who have not yet weighed in on what they would like to see happen at the town-owned property that held the former Halliwell Elementary School are reminded that the survey is expected to run through the end of June. The brief form can be filled out here.

There will be more chances to weigh in on potential projects at an upcoming charrette, tentatively scheduled for Saturday, July 24.

There is also an opening on the volunteer board guiding the project, known as the Halliwell Review Committee. Those interested in volunteering should contact Town Clerk Joanne Buttie at (401) 767-2200 ext 326 or [email protected] or submit an application and letter of intent to: The Town Clerk, 83 Greene St., North Smithfield, RI 02896.

N.S. Days update

Tickets for Dinner Under the Stars, just one element of the upcoming N.S. Days celebration to take place next week, are now on sale. The cost for the dinner is $100 and reservations can be made here.

The group planning the events has also announced the organizations that will be participating in Kid’s Day in the Park on Saturday, July 10, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: the North Smithfield Police Department; North Smithfield Fire and Rescue; Northmen Hoops; Xpress Football and Cheer; Cub Scouts Pack 7; Scouts BSA Troops 1139 & 438; Volleyball; and Kenny’s Coalition. In addition to the activities that partner organizations will be running, the event will feature bounce houses, balloons, face painting, and temporary tattoos.

Additional elements of the 2021 celebration can be found in the ad posted above. All events but the dinner, with the exception of food and drinks, are free to the public.

Anyone who would like to volunteer for Kids’ Day, as well as organizations that would like to host an activity at the event, should email [email protected].

Town meetings

The North Smithfield Town Council will hold a special meeting on Monday, June 28 starting at 6:45 p.m. for adoption of the town budget. Residents can attend in person or watch online via a link posted with the agenda here.

Council budget discussion may continue to Tuesday, June 29 at 6:45 p.m., with that agenda and link here.

The North Smithfield School Committee will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, June 30 starting at 6 p.m. An agenda and link to attend virtually can be found here.

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