Burrillville farm house subject of new film set for July release


BURRILLVILLE – The house that gained international attention following the release of a 2013 horror movie inspired by reports of famed paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren is the focus of a new film to be released this week.

Sleepless Unrest premiered at Wildey Theatre in Edwardsville, Ill. on Friday, July 2, a film directed by Kendall & Vera Whelpton about their two-week stay on Round Top Road in Harrisville.

The Whelptons reportedly stayed at the house, made famous by hit horror movie The Conjuring, with cast members Brian Murray and Richel Stratton from “Ghost Hunters” on A & E.

“A small team of filmmakers and paranormal investigators move into the house that inspired the Conjuring films to document paranormal activity for two weeks,” note promos on the film. “Is the real-life Conjuring home still haunted?”

Kendall Whelpton is known for work on “The House in Between,” “Ghost Hunters,” “Wicked Tuna” and “Battlefish.”

The group reportedly had 14 cameras rolling 24 hours a day during the two week stay, producing a 1 hour 20 minute film that was highlighted earlier this month on FOX Morning News.

The film officially premieres in theaters and on video on demand on Friday, July 16 from Gravitas Ventures.

Cory and Jennifer Heinzen, who bought the house in 2019, attended the movie premiere. The Heinzens, paranormal investigators originally from Maine, have branded the house, built in 1766, “The Farm on Round Top Round,” opening the 8.5 acre property to tours and overnight investigations. Over the past two years, it’s been the subject of a Ghost Adventures special and featured everywhere from the NY Post to People magazine.

Their website, theconjuringhouse.com/, shows a 7-day a week schedule with most dates booked at a cost of $125 per night, per person, through the end of the year.

Sleepless Unrest can currently be preordered through iTunes for $6.99. To learn more and watch a trailer for the film, visit thesleeplessunrest.com.

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