Burrillville Land Trust to host events through fall

From left to right are Paul Roselli, president of the Burrillville Land Trust; BLT board members Cynthia Crook-Pic, Edmund Croteau and Deborah Yablonski; natural dye specialist Sasha Azbel; and BLT Secretary Doris Alberg.

BURRILLVILLE – From foraging to fashion, natural dyes to laughter, Saving Sweet’s Hill to a sewing circle, the Burrillville Land Trust has announced a series of upcoming events that aim to get locals off the couch and out of the house.

“With all that is going on in the world, there is still much joy to be shared, places to visit and things to do,” said Land Trust President Paul Roselli. “The Burrillville Land Trust has put together an array of outdoor activities that will get you and your family away from the screen, having fun and in some cases, into the woods.”

“While there is still much to be concerned with the recent uptick of coronavirus cases, going outdoors is perhaps one of the safest ways you can take part in the world around you,” Roselli added.

Below is a list of upcoming land trust events:

Saturday, Aug. 14 – 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: Visit the BLT at the Burrillville Farmers’ Market at 75 Tinkham Lane and register for the Forest to Fashion workshop. Meet Fullbright Scholar Sasha Azbel and see samples of what you can create. Natural dyes from common backyard plants were the mainstay of dyeing cloth for 100s of years. The Forest to Fashion workshop will take place on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 11 and 12.

Sunday, Aug. 29 – 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: From Forage to Food. Join members of the BLT and “The 3 Foragers” – wild food foragers and family of three, as we walk the woods of the Edward D. Vock Conservation Area in Pascoag. The three foragers will share information about the edible weeds and fungi in the forests, shores, fields, and your own backyard. The walk includes photographs, plant identifications, fungi identifications, and recipe ideas for the wild foods found during the walk. The cost is $20/person and family discounts apply. Send an email to [email protected] or call (401) 447-1560 for more information and to reserve your spot.

Saturday, Sept. 4 – 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: Learn about the Lynx Rufus – aka bobcat – that has been seen all over the area, and talk with Edmund Croteau, the land trust’s expert on the American Chestnut at the Burrillville Farmer’s Market. The BLT is the first in Rhode Island to have a planned Germ-plasm Conservation Orchard with American Chestnut trees in a forested environment. Share your American Chestnut story at at 75 Tinkham Lane.

Saturday, Sept. 4 – 4 to 5 p.m.: Boots and Beer. Join BLT for a leisurely walk along the Bobcat Loop Trail starting at 4 p.m. at the Edward D. Vock Conservation Area, and then travel to Bravo Brewing for a cold glass of craft beer and conversation. The Edward D. Vock Conservation Area is located at corner of Olney Keach Road and Jackson Schoolhouse Road in Pascoag. For GPS, use 199 Olney Keach Road. Bravo Brewing is located at 75 Pascoag
Main St.

Thursday, Sept. 9 – 6:30 to 8 p,m. Join members of the Burrillville Land Trust at Bravo Brewing for Conversations about Conservation. Learn all things about the BLT, the latest on changes to the EFSB and more at 75 Pascoag Main St. in Pascoag.

Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 11 & 12 – 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.: Natural dye workshop. Learn how to use backyard plants to dye yarns and fabrics. Experts include Sasha Azbel, a natural dye specialist; Hope Leeson an ethnobotanist; Dinalyn Spears, director for the Natural Resources/Tribal Planning, and a member of the Narragansett Indian Tribe. Both days include morning yoga, workshop activities, catered lunch, dyeing activities, community conversations, and end of day meditation. The workshop also includes a sewing circle, creation of tote bags, aprons, wrap around skirts and/or a scarf, and a runway fashion show in the woods. Workshop includes all materials, food, instructors and materials. The cost is $100/person for both days or $75/person for one day and advance registration is required. Children ages 12 to 16 accompanied by an adult can be admitted free, but must register in advance. Contact [email protected] or register via Eventbrite.

Saturday, Sept. 18 – 1 to 3 p.m.: Sewing circle at the Pavilion. Join members of the Burrillville Land Trust and Friends of the BLT to sew natural dyed cloth into one of a kind pieces. The sewing circle takes place at the Stillwater Mill Pavilion at 75 Tinkham Lane. Register in advance at the Burrillville Farmers’ Market or email [email protected].

Saturday, Oct. 2 – 6 to 9 p.m.: Laugh the night away and help Save Sweets’ Hill as the BLT presents a night of comedy featuring New England’s finest talent. The event is at the Assembly Theater at 26 East Ave. Tickets are $20/person and benefit the BLT’s efforts to Save Sweet’s Hill. Purchase tickets here.

Thursday, Oct. 14 – 6:30 to 8 p.m. Join members of the Burrillville Land Trust at Bravo Brewing for Conversations about Conservation. Learn about the BLT, the latest on sale of Narragansett Electric to Pennsylvania Power and Light, and more at 75 Pascoag Main St.

Started in the year 2000, the Burrillville Land Trust is an all volunteer 501(c)3 public-charity, private land trust with the mission of preserving and protecting the rural character of the town of Burrillville through acquisition, education and advocacy.

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