Volunteers needed for Clean & Green Day


    North Smithfield’s Clean & Green Day has been scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 25, and will focus on highly littered areas of town, with a list of potential locations targeted for work including areas of Greene Street, Victory Highway, Iron Mine Hill Road and many more roadways. Volunteers can also register to choose their own area of town, or to help out wherever it’s most needed.

    Registration is not limited to North Smithfield residents, and volunteers from all walks of life are welcome to sign up.

    In 2018, 419 Clean & Green Day volunteers picked up 3.43 tons of trash from more than 40 miles of roadway in North Smithfield according to the committee, which also aims to promote recycling and litter education throughout the year.

    The cleanup will begin with registration at 8 a.m. at Town Hall on Greene Street, where volunteers will pick up T-shirts and supplies. Cleaners are invited to enjoy coffee and doughnuts before heading out to pick up trash, and are encouraged to post photos of their efforts with hashtags on social media. The group will blanket the town from 9 a.m. to noon, with trash pickers in hand, likely ridding North Smithfield of tons of litter.

    Those who register before September 1 are guaranteed a T-shirt in their chosen size.

    To register for North Smithfield’s 18th Clean & Green Day visit https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0845aaae23aaf85-nsclean2

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