Introducing: Contributor Dawn Anderson


Northern Rhode Island News On the Web would like to announce another new addition to our news team, contributor Dawn Anderson.

Anderson is a full time case manager who enjoys freelance writing, kickboxing, and cooking.    

She has written articles for the Warwick Beacon, Options Magazine, Motif Magazine, and RI Parents Magazine. She holds an Associate’s Degree in chemical technology from the Community College of Rhode Island and a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Services from Rhode Island College.

“I have always enjoyed writing but learned how to put a paper together at CCRI,” she explained.

Anderson said she enjoys writing stories that get people’s minds off all the bad news in the world, even if it’s only for a couple of minutes.  

“I love doing feature stories, community events, social issues, stories about people beating the odds and making an awesome comeback,” she said.

The writer currently lives in Cranston but said she would love to move to Uxbridge, Mass.

Join us in welcoming her to the NRI NOW news team.

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