Gallery: Committee showcases local art at Town Hall open house


NORTH SMITHFIELD – Members of the North Smithfield Public Art Advisory Committee held an open house on Saturday, Oct. 16 showing off the newly decorated walls at Town Hall on Greene Street.

A collection by artist Peter Stanton Smith, on loan from the North Smithfield Heritage Association, was on display at Town Hall during the Art Committee Open House.
Town-based artist and Art Committee member Lauren Mosakowski recently painted the town emblem in the Town Council chambers.
The Blackstone Heritage Corridor organized a Plein Air exhibit to accompany the open house, with painters situated at various spots around town. From left are Volunteer Coordinator Suzanne Buchanan and Marketing Director Bonnie Combs.
Old photographs showcased the history of the recently renovated building that now serves as Town Hall.
Art Committee members stand by a space in the Town Council chambers that will soon feature a mural. From left are Kathleen Lewis, Tiffany Nguyen and Christian de Rezendes.
Town Administrator Paul Zwolenski, left, speaks to guests.
A table displays items for sale from the North Smithfield Heritage Association including the 125th anniversary Christmas ornament and 2022 calendar.
Artwork by Beverly Caya on display on the first floor of Town Hall.
The wall of super heroes: Guests at The Great Pumpkin Festival were asked to decorate capes with their idea of a super hero. Capes were labeled with answers like “mom,” and “being kind.”
Finding inspiration: Plein Air artists set up murals in scenic Centennial Park behind the North Smithfield Public Library.

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