Man injured in Sunday motorcycle accident in Burrillville


BURRILLVIILE – Two men were taken to the hospital, one with serious injury, following a collision between a motorcycle and a truck on Victory Highway early Sunday evening.

The crash reportedly took place around 5:20 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 12 in the area by Bella Restaurant. The area has seen increased traffic in recent months due to a detour to accommodate reconstruction of nearby Mohegan Bridge.

The road between Bella and Western Hotel was shut down for around two and a half hours, with police and several village fire departments at the scene.

Both drivers were taken to Rhode Island Hospital, with the truck driver, a man from Somerset, Mass., treated and released. The motorcycle driver, a man from Manville, remains hospitalized with a serious leg injury, according to Lt. Jason Cahill.

Cahill said both vehicles appeared to be totaled.

Police are still investigating the cause of the crash, but Cahill said a preliminary investigation has shown that the motorcycle driver may have been at fault.

“It appears he traveled over the line into the northbound lane while he was traveling southbound,” Cahill said.

Editor’s note: The above article has been edited to reflect information provided by Burrillville police.

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