Tax sale
The town of North Smithfield Tax Collector Office has announced plans to hold a tax sale on Thursday, March 24, for properties owing taxes dating back to Dec. 31, 2019 and prior. Real estate will be advertised in the Woonsocket Call on Wednesday, March 2 and liens will be sold at public auction March 24 starting at 10 a.m. in the Town Council Chambers at 83 Greene St.
VIN & background checks
The North Smithfield Police Department is reminding residents that they can get Vehicle Identification Number checks at the station on Smithfield Road on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8:30 to 9 a.m. with no appointment needed. Those in need of the service must provide a $10 check or money order along with their title and license.
Non-fingerprint BCIs are available anytime without an appointment, while BCIs that require fingerprints are done on Wednesdays from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. at a cost of $35, except for those needed for child care or foster care, which are free.
The services are only available to town residents.
Heritage archives
The North Smithfield Heritage Association continues to grow its archives, and is always collecting items related to town history. Recent donations have included a 19th century family bible owned by Stephen Mowry and a song book from the Primrose Grange.
Those with items to contribute can call (401) 447-6394 or email [email protected]
Shelter volunteers
North Smithfield Animal Control is still seeking a few volunteers to help out on weekends. The shelter is hoping to find animal lovers available to contribute a few hours once a month or every other weekend. Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer is asked to call (401) 766-0377 and speak with Animal Control Officer Tracy Miller. If no one answers, leave a message and someone will call you back.
Town meetings
The North Smithfield Parks & Recreation Commission will hold a meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 2 starting at 6 p.m. at Town Hall at 83 Greene St. The agenda for the meeting, postponed from January, can be found here.
The North Smithfield Town Council will hold a joint meeting with the Halliwell Review Committee at 83 Greene St. on Thursday, Feb. 3 starting at 6:30 p.m. The agenda and a link to attend via Zoom can be found here.