Burrillville police search for suspect following Tuesday night hit and run


BURRILLVILLE – Police are still looking for one driver from a two-car accident early Tuesday evening in which one car fled the scene.

According to Burrillville Police Lt. William Lacey, officers were called to the intersection of Union and Chapel Streets around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 26, and found a young couple with a one-year-old child with injuries in a 2007 Honda CRV. The car had severe damage to the front bumper and passenger side.

The Jaws of Life were used to extricate the passenger. The driver reportedly refused medical transport, and the baby was transported as a precaution to Hasbro Children’s Hospital.

Lacey said the family was traveling along Chapel Street when a car pulled out of Union Street, striking the vehicle before driving away. Police on the scene found a license plate they believe belonged to the second car involved.

The suspect vehicle was later found by the Clock Tower Apartments and impounded, but the driver has yet to be located.

“We ended up locating the vehicle later on,” Lacey explained. “We’re trying to track down and speak to individuals we believe were involved.”

Resident Scott Martin witnessed the accident and stopped to help the family. Martin said the car that drove away was a white Honda Pilot with Vermont plates, and that the family also had a dog in the car.

“It was great that a retired firefighter and a physician assistant were the next people to stop,” Martin said, noting that he held the child while firefighters worked to get the passenger free. He said the driver had severe lacerations on his hands from breaking the window to try to get out.

Lacey said the accident remains under investigation.

Editor’s note: The original version of this article erroneously stated that the passenger of the vehicle refused medical transport rather than the driver. We apologize for the error. It was also edited following information provided by a witness

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  1. Idk if this any use to you but I was involved in the car that got hit a fews months ago and they found the women who hit my fiancé, son and I. Kerri Mammone.


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