As a lifelong Rhode Islander, the upcoming election in the 2nd Congressional District has my full attention. In the current political climate, congressional elections affect every American, not only those who live in the District.
Allan Fung is a familiar name; his family story as a first generation American whose parents moved to the United States from Hong Kong is well known. His opponent, Seth Magaziner, has been portrayed as being economically privileged and therefore out of touch with the middle class. Yes, due to his father’s American success story of academic and career achievement, Mr. Magaziner had advantages. What some voters might not realize, however, is that both his mother and father grew up in middle class households in Worcester and Brooklyn, respectively. Magaziner’s paternal grandfather was an office manager in a tomato packing plant. Seth Magaziner himself worked for two years after college as an elementary school teacher in a public school in Louisiana.
As the two-term Rhode Island State Treasurer, Mr. Magaziner has a proven track record of delivering results for the people of Rhode Island. One of his accomplishments has been working to strengthen the state pension fund. BankLocal is another program initiated by Mr. Magaziner. This program supports businesses, banks, and credit unions through investments of state monies into local banks who in turn provide loans to small businesses in Rhode Island. These initiatives both support the middle class.
Voting based on a comprehensive view of the candidates is essential to our democracy. The upcoming election offers voters the opportunity to look beyond the rhetoric and support Seth Magaziner, the candidate who has done good work for the people of our State.
Barbara Robinson
Bristol, RI