Woman hospitalized, dog killed in attack by German shepherd in North Smithfield


NORTH SMITHFIELD – An 83-year-old woman was hospitalized and her small dog died following an attack this week by a German shepherd.

The woman was reportedly rushed to Landmark Medical Center after the attack on Thursday, Feb. 2.

According to reports, the victim was walking her 11-year-old schnauzer in her neighborhood when a neighbor’s dog approached. The loose German shepherd attacked the smaller dog, and the owner was severely injured as she tried to save her pet.

The schnauzer was killed in the attack and the woman will reportedly need surgery.

North Smithfield police have said an investigation of the incident is ongoing.

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  1. First, IDA, you nailed it—she was in shocked as I was the first to be at the scene ( driving my car up the hill to my brothers house).
    From a distance I thought I saw someone get up from the road and a german sheppard being pulled.
    Reality hit quick, as yes this is what happened as I stopped my car and exited the vehicle to help.
    The lady and her dog were in shock. She was screaming the dog attacked her and her dog. The owner ( I believe) of the dog was restraining the dog as he was concerned for the lady and the dog.
    I was able to calm her down somewhat, and noticed a pretty good bite mark in her wrist.
    Another vehicle arrived, who was a local neighbor and knew who the victim of the dog attack. We calmed her down, and insisted to the victim she needed to go to urgent care for the bite.
    We calmed her down to get her and her dog in his car to bring her home. In her house, her only concern was her dog, who seemed fine.
    I ran my hand throughout the dog’s body and didnt detect ant bites or wounds. We cleaned her dog up, as he s** himself and it was all over.
    Her dog seemed fine, as he laid down as we were preparing to take the lady to urgent care, which her neighbor did.
    The location of the incident was on the top off Great Road( near Shell), after the intersection of E Harkness Road and Edsmund( about 2 blocks from the victim’s home).
    The lady was walking her dog —-on a leash, and her dog was alive when we took her to urgent care for the bite wound. The lady never indicated she had any pain, just in shock a dog attacked her and was on top of her
    Later, the police and the dog officer vehicles were seen at the house where the sheppard came from.
    I left my contact information with N Smithfield police——as the FIRST to arrive when attack was going on , and never received a call to be questioned.
    Prayers and condolences for the lady, as I havent been able to get her off my mind—-nor her poor dog who died after she left( she was so concern for her dog, who she had been told just was diagnoised with cancer).

    • Thank you for being there for her, for sharing that news. Not many people today would stop and assist. Seems more and more we cannot enjoy simple pleasures of our neighborhoods, gardening.
      God bless and hopefully, someday, when ready, she will have love of a new fur baby in her home.

      • Meant to put walking in there too…healthy walking. Frightens me to think it could have been my own elderly parent who loves to walk. She lives near.
        Is there a way we can help Sandy? Privately? Assist with funding somehow? Thank you….

  2. Very unfortunate incidence and I pray for that poor woman. There are too many dogs and too many irresponsible owners in this town, with leash laws and barking ordinances ignored. My neighbor had two dogs that were not registered with the town until I complained about their barking. Absolute shame that this should happen.

    • This is the type of law enforcement we get when the police union has no accountability. Justice should be swift in this case. Dog not contained or controlled by owner, owner is responsible for restitutions.

      • AMEN! Only when punishment is swift will there be more responsibility and respect of the law.
        I cannot imagine the horror of what she felt and helplessness to protect her beloved pet. We carry bear spray as a safeguard now.


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