NORTH SMITHFIELD – A grant writer who has had success securing millions for towns across the state is already working to win funds for the town of North Smithfield, while Solicitor David Igliozzi has advised local officials to follow a competitive bidding process before awarding someone the position more permanently.
Lisa Andoscia, president and CEO of Rosewood Consulting, began work on a temporary basis for North Smithfield last month after town leaders became aware they could soon miss the deadline to apply for a grant to improve infrastructure if immediate action wasn’t taken.
Town Administrator Paul Zwolenski authorized payment to Andoscia of up to $5,000 – an amount he’s authorized to commit unilaterally under the town charter – following consultation with Town Council President Kimberly Alves and Councilor John Beauregard, who first brought attention to the possible initiative.
“We all agreed it was in the town’s best interest,” Beauregard told NRI NOW this week of the temporary, one-month contract with the grant writer, approved in February.
Andoscia, a North Smithfield native, reportedly has more than two decades of experience in the field, on both the state and federal level, with success including a recent effort to secure more than $3 million for key projects in North Providence.
Beauregard said her work was first brought to his attention by Planning Board member Lucien Benoit, and the councilor began researching Andoscia’s experience.
“She has had great deal of success,” Beauregard said.
Beauregard reached out to Andoscia in February, and in the phone call that followed, she asked about the town’s anticipated funding needs. Infrastructure projects were cited, including one project specifically – an effort to extend town water lines along St. Paul Street.
Andoscia, Beauregard said, alerted him of an applicable grant that was set to expire prior to the Town Council’s meeting on Monday March 6, where he hoped to discuss her potential hire with the full board. He notified Zwolenski, who included Alves in a discussion regarding a temporary contract.
“He didn’t have to, but he got Kim and myself involved in the decision,” Beauregard said.
The grant writer has since applied for millions for the water project, and has also begun looking into funding sources for other town initiatives, such as the effort to reuse the property that once held Halliwell Elementary School.
Andoscia made an official presentation to the council at their meeting March 6, stating that for a $5,000-per-month retainer, the town could expect to receive at least $1 million annually. Councilors voted to have her submit a potential contract for an upcoming meeting.
Beauregard said that since that last council meeting, Igliozzi has advised the town to follow a legal procedure for the hire and publish a request for proposals for potential candidates, a process recently cited in a letter to NRI NOW submitted by resident Mary Cimini.
It’s advice the board is expected to follow, and Beauregard said he’s hopeful they can do so quickly.
“Paul has been working quite a bit with her already,” Beauregard said of the administrator. “She’s on top of a lot of stuff right now.”
From playgrounds and other open space initiatives, to water infrastructure and a new police station, he notes the potential to accomplish town goals with the help of a qualified professional is great.
“She’s the real deal,” Beauregard said. “If we do end up picking her, there won’t be any interruption in her service.”
Councilors are expected to take up the topic again at their next meeting on Monday, March 20.
JB living rent free in the same three residents head’s. Speaking from their self paid soap boxes.
The guy spent 5000 with bipartisan support to solicit millions for the town. Dear Lord just stop talking. It’s not that complicated. Insertion of unessential words does not make you sound smart…just pretentious and boring.
The Town of North Smithfield has nearly $200K budgeted for legal expenses this fiscal year. Legal expenses include the services of Attorney Igliozzi, who is degreed, licensed, certified and experienced in municipal law. How about we let the expert guide us and defer to his counsel? Unless any of you who have already determined misdeeds have equal qualifications? Please advise.
And as far as apologies go, the shame train departs from the antisocial media comments track. Once again.
Thanks for the tutorial Tony. Many in the town may not be aware that we do have an attorney that concurred, the hiring needed to follow process, indeed, agreeing with me. As a relative of a niece with a JD from William and Mary, it is nice that solicitor Igliozzi and I are on the same page. I believe that Mr. Igliozzi and I would also concur on the issue of Green Development needing to follow process on the issue of a parking lot. I personally think that the shame train has already left the station and I know two parties who feel that their pet projects need no process or approval. Welcome aboard Tony and John!
Agree 100%. Green Development – or more accurately, the chosen developer – needs to follow permitting rules and regulations, which is precisely what happened in the course of the bathrooms/concessions construction project.
Looking forward to increased safety at DPFJAC/VMS in the form of an expanded parking area, and as well the installation of solar canopies generating green energy. What a terrific endeavor – thank you to all residents who support yet another NS project that provides value while not requiring taxpayer funds, and kudos to all elected town leadership who are on board.
Tony, when was a decision made to expand the waste of money packing lot that we don’t need. Especially by Green Development which will cost the town money. I would not let Green Development do anything in North Smithfield as they are dishonest and can not be trusted. Second I would not waste taxpayer money on a parking lot used once in a blue moon when the roads in North Smithfield are horrible. But your pal JB keeps lowering the roads budget but we need a Taj Mahal police station. Not too much analysis, strategic planning, and experience has been seen in the ideas of you and JB.
Thank you Mrs. Alves and Mr. Beauregard for taking the initiative for securing a clearly competent grant writer
whose track record is clearly impressive with similar communities that have parity with North Smithfield.
I commend Mr. Igliozzi for the guidance to the town leadership to ensure a temporary (probationary type)
time frame to allow the new professional to demonstrate her ability to do well for the citizens of the community who so dearly deserve it.
To Ms. Andoscia, thank you so very much for your efforts and ability to help our community on numerous levels , I’m sure once you are able to organize the effort. It is refreshing to see someone operating on facts, protocol and competency to promote genuine positive progress.
Agreed, well said.
Anything that Mr. Beauregard brings to the table should be treated as suspect. He clearly has no appreciation of due process and or following the town’s charter. This could come back and bite the town just like some of his other escapades. Ms. Alves, Hamilton, and Mr. Ozier should nip this in the bud now and take the lead in the current council before Beauregard runs the bus over them. Ms. O’Hara in all due respect, should also ditch her buddy Beauregard.
There’s an awful lot of hearsay in this article. It would have been interesting to read exactly what the solicitor’s opinion was regarding the requirement to solicit proposals. I don’t recall hearing him offer any guidance at the March 6th meeting regarding soliciting proposals. Did he offer that opinion at the private meeting with Council President Alves, Councilperson Beauregard and Town Administrator Zwolenski? Did he believe the Administrator could even award a one month contract without seeking other proposals? Does he believe nearly missing a deadline because of poor planning is a legitimate reason to declare that an emergency action is warranted and charter language can therefore be waived?
RIGL § 45-55-9. Small purchases. Procurements, not to exceed an aggregate amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for construction and five thousand dollars ($5,000) for all other purchases may be made in accordance with small purchase regulations promulgated by the municipality.
Sec. 3. Competitive bidding.
Except in the case of contracts for professional services, before the town makes any purchase of supplies, materials or equipment not set forth on the state bid list, or contract for work to be performed, in excess of that amount set forth from time to time in state law above which competitive bids must be obtained, opportunity shall be given for competitive bidding after public notice under such rules and regulations, and with such exceptions, as the town council may prescribe by ordinance.
Good to know that you, John Beauregard and Paul Zwolenski all feel that this is a done deal! I will be looking forward to the TC Meeting to watch your justification for another underhanded action. Boy, you guys are good! Trying to circumvent every check and balance and process of the Town. I believe that there should be a vote of no confidence in Paul Zwolenski. And regarding John Beauregard: Congratulations! You have circumvented town process and procedure again. You all must be so proud of yourselves! And Sandy one last request, please let Kim Alves speak for the Town Council. She is the sitting President, not John Beauregard. thank you.
Why are you not criticizing Mrs. Alves? How is it she escapes your furor? According to the story she went along with the one month hire of the grant writer.
Yes, I do believe that she should apologize at the TC meeting on Monday night. And all of a sudden, Mr. Igliozzi concurs with me….maybe they should all apologize for their underhanded procedures that certainly do reflect transparency. And Mr. Igliozzi sat mute!
As you said “Jimmy”, it’s just “according to the story” which John Beauregard narrated. If Mr. Igliozzi and Ms. Alves had been interviewed perhaps their responses may have revealed more to the story or discussed an entirely different version. Would you be kind enough to let us know where you live in town “Jimmy”? You are using a fake name, correct?
To respond to Mary’s comment: This was Mr. Beauregard’s initiative and speaking with him to discuss how this came about should not be taken as a statement that he is a spokesperson for the board.
Actually, Sandy, was it John or Paul that hired her and then incidentally thought it would be a great idea to on-board Kim? Shame on all for their lack of honesty. It’s like a damn circus. At least Mr. Igliozzi, who had sat mute, finally spoke up. A little after the fact I must say.
Now it’s John and Paul’s fault for making Kim think a certain way ??? It’s ALL of them. Not one of them spoke up about following the rules. Shame on all of them for ignoring the protocols of the RFP / Bid process.
Mary – maybe you should judge Kim by her actions and not her words. Like you said, she is the sitting TC President!!
I would think at least she would have spoken up. But in your mind Paul and John cast a magical spell over her, so it’s not her fault LOL.
…Oh and the solicitor is there to give advice and council when asked. Not to police decisions. Nice try redirecting the heat away from Kim to David.
Not at all JP, they are all to blame for their lack of honesty and transparency.
To be fair though, we do know that Beauregard tries to use their status to try intimidate people into thinking/acting a certain way.
@mary – finally we agree on something!!! I know we don’t agree on everything and I don’t share the same one sided hate that you have for JB and PZ. However, I do respect you as a resident as you do generally have the best interest of the town at hand. How you go about it is the issue.
@BM – are you referring to John and someone in the plural ? Or you calling JB a they/them???
But either way what you’re saying is Kim isn’t a strong enough leader to make her own decisions since she is being “influenced” and coerced.
Referring to JB, using their as a possession or association, with the tactics used.
JP1165, your problem is you are using logic when debating people that are illogical. Their protest has nothing to do with the process not being followed or even the $5,000, it’s about JB. Stop him from getting credit for something good at all costs. They can’t get him out of their heads. You don’t even have to read between the lines, it’s right out there in the open.
Tony Guertin It’s provide the entire text of § 45-55-9. Small purchases:
“Procurements, not to exceed an aggregate amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for construction and five thousand dollars ($5,000) for all other purchases may be made in accordance with small purchase regulations promulgated by the municipality. These amounts shall be increased or decreased annually hereafter at the same rate as the Boston Regional Consumer Price Index. Procurement requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase under this section. A municipality may further reduce the aggregate purchase amount, as provided for in this section by ordinance.” North Smithfield’s ordinances regarding bidding and procurement reflex lesser amounts with confusing terminology which is why I’d be interested in hearing exactly what was said by the solicitor.
Tony it always amazes me that you defend your friend no matter what he does. Any rational person would do some due diligence before hiring a consultant. If you perform due diligence then you have something to fall back on if things do not go well. But if you have some back room meetings and things don’t go well then you look foolish.
That’s what friends are for.