Revaluations, seed workshop & Pride Mega tea: Five things to know in Glocester this week

The town of Glocester will hold its annual rabies clinic on Saturday.


Glocester residents received property revaluations in the mail this week, with many homeowners seeing a jump in assessed value. Residents are advised that the value increase does not necessarily come with a tax increase, and that when valuations go up, the tax rate per $1,000 typically goes down when the budget is made.

Town Councilor Steve Arnold has offered to answer any questions regarding the state-mandated revaluation process and can be contacted at [email protected] or by phone at (401) 265-5202.

Mega Tea

Hype Nutrition at 401 Putnam Pike is hosting a fundraiser for the Ponagansett High School Class of 2023 this week through Sunday, April 2. Purchase a Ponagansett Pride Mega Tea or shake – completely created by students – anytime during business hours and $1 from each drink will support class activities.

Burn warning

The West Glocester Fire Department is reminding residents that burning is not permitted between March 15 and May 15.

“Regardless of the current weather, wind, and rain patterns, our area’s vegetation is extremely dry/dead this time of year,” the department noted. “This poses a dangerous risk when it comes to burning and, for this reason, burning permits are not issued during this timeframe. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to keep our community safe.”

Those with additional questions regarding burning permits and regulations are asked to contact the department at (401) 568-2422 or stop in at 2410 Putnam Pike for more information.

Seed workshop

Glocester Manton Free Public Library at 1137 Putnam Pike will host a seed workshop on Saturday, April 1 from 10:30 a.m. to noon. All are invited to the free event, presented by Glocester Heritage Gardens, which will cover information on how, when and where to plant. Registration is not required.

Town meetings

The Glocester Land Trust will hold a meeting on Tuesday, March 28 starting at 7 p.m. at Glocester Town Hall at 1145 Putnam Pike. The agenda is here.

The Glocester Recreation Commission will hold a meeting on Tuesday, March 28 starting at 7:30 p.m. at Glocester Town Hall at 1145 Putnam Pike. The agenda is here.

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