Gallery: Hundreds turn out for Clean & Green Day in North Smithfield


NORTH SMITHFIELD – Efforts to rid the town of litter were on the rise this weekend as more than 250 volunteers showed up for North Smithfield’s annual Clean & Green Day.

Organizers filled a 30 yard dumpster with trash collected by various groups, along with around 60 tires brought directly to Rhode Island Resource Recovery Center.

Cub Scouts and their families from Pack 7 Slatersville cleaned the area of Meadows Field.
Members of the CLean & Green Day Committee set up shop at Town Hall, handing out supplies including trash bags, t-shirts and garbage pickers.
Volunteers from the Friends of the Blackstone River cleaned trash from the park and the canal as well as cleared trees and brush from under one of the arches. Keith Hainley, far right in photo, organized the FOB’s effort. 
Members of the North Smithfield Land Trust tackled a difficult spot in the Booth Pond Conservation Area.
Emelie & Makena Carpenter cleaned up nips, hub cap, buckets, basket of chains and a toilet.
More than 50 bags of trash were removed from the Booth Pond Conservation Area.
Resident Rebecca Johnson took a cleanup selfie.
A group of around 30 volunteers with Dell Technologies did their part the day before the event.
At Booth Pond, birds have made nests with available materials.
A group with the North Smithfield Heritage Association cleaned the NS19 Othnial Mathewson Cemetery on Providence Pike

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  1. Well done North Smithfield! We’re fortunate that so many residents show such pride in our community. Thank you to all who volunteer whatever time they can spare to better our town in some way!

  2. Great job to those that helped clean!
    We could use a couple days per year of this. The roadsides are still full of trash, just look at the intersection of Pound Hill Rd and Rt 7. Both side of Pound Hill look like a dump as you start iup the hill. I’ll be out there picking that area up shortly.

    BTW, nip bottles need to be outlawed. I see and pick up so many while out for my walks, it reminds me of days of old and picking up cigarette butts in the gutter while performing a detail in the service. They are everywhere. This can only mean people are drinking and driving everywhere.

  3. Hi Jimmy — I know you can’t be everywhere, so you probably didn’t see School Committee members Peg Votta and Bill Connell out there…

  4. “Jimmy” why don’t you feel comfortable enough with your opinions to use your real name when expressing them? Do you lack self confidence? It must be awful to feel the need to hide your identity when commenting. Give it a shot and post using your real name, I’m sure you’ll feel better about yourself if you do. Mike Clifford

  5. I was out there and other than Administrator Zwolenski I did not see any other of our elected officials helping out. Leading by example Mr. Zwolenski, well done. A big missed opportunity to spend time with your constituents for members of the council and school committee. Come to think of it I didn’t see Mr. Clifford or any of his disciples on his page who claim to love the town so much helping either. Sitting behind a keyboard criticizing others is so much easier than actually going out and making a positive difference in our community. It was a great turnout by the residents and a great day, you should all be proud.

    • Gotta stand up to someone being a bully again I see. It was very unfortunate that this was scheduled the same time a higher calling was, I can’t be in two or more places at once. I did see some familiar and friendly faces as I was driving to and from the higher calling, their work did not go unnoticed. So before attacking people, ask yourself if they might have been busy with other things in other aspects of their life first. I am very grateful of the people that helped out on Thursday at the community garden the town has though. My family and I did try to make up missing the clean up day by going around my neighborhood after, and picked up what we could without going in to people’s yards. Just wish this was more than a once a year occasion, as there is a bunch of trash that builds up from storms passing through and trash that falls out of the trash trucks (aerodynamics are wonky, due to the opening in the back) during the year. I’d rather clean up bi-weekly/monthly though, like I do during my hikes. Granted some people decide that woods and trails are great dumping spots though, so big clean ups need to happen. I’ve found a vehicle, mattresses, vape cartridges, nips, and many more items, during the hikes I take. I encourage more people around town to do what they can, help out at the community garden, go on walks/hikes and pick up what you see on the trails, some people may be busy with coaching little league. I see the same person every day/week, walk up and down with buckets to fill with stuff they find on 146a. It just goes to show that the community does care what happens in town, and their voice does get heard, I see know I see/hear it every day.


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