Flag raising
The North Smithfield Heritage Association will to hold a Memorial flag raising starting at 9 a.m. on Monday, May 8 at the Memorial Town Building at 1 Main St. The public is encouraged to attend the event, marking the initiation of a new program to fly veteran memorial flags for one month in front of the building. The family of Frederick Klockars, a World War II veteran, will fly his veteran memorial flag during the month of May.
Other families who wish to participate in the program should contact the NSHA at [email protected] or 401-651-6316 for further information.
New officers
The LeClair Kozlik Logan Bassett VFW Post 6342 announces the following officers for the 2034-2024 year: Farrell McMillan, post commander; Dave Thibault, senior vice; Alan Cote, junior vice; Scott Gould, quartermaster/adjutant.
Heritage Walk
The NSHA will host a Heritage Walk on Saturday, May 13 starting at 9:30 a.m. at Crookfall Brook. Walkers will observe Woonsocket Reservoir #1 and the massive abandoned Pump House, and visit Woonsocket Reservoir #2 and the historic mill site, as well as the dam on Spring Brook.
Participants will meet at Aldi’s parking lot at Dowling Village.
Plant sale
Goodwin Bros. Farm Stand at 458 Greenville Road will be open on Mother’s Day weekend for a plant sale on Friday May 12 and Saturday May 13. Stop by during business hours starting at 9 a.m. and ending Saturday at 6 p.m. or Sunday at 5 p.m.
Town meetings
The North Smithfield Fire & Rescue Service Board of Directors will hold a meeting on Tuesday, May 9 starting at 6:30 p.m. at 1470 Providence Pike. The agenda is here.
The North Smithfield Conservation Commission will hold a meeting on Wednesday, May 10 starting at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall at 83 Green St. The agenda is here.