Letter: We must come together for future generations


This is what the two parties, Republicans and the Democrats, remind me of: the North and the South here in the United States.  It is like the Civil War… who will gain power? It’s sad that history has been repeating Itself all over again, when President Lincoln fought in the Civil War for freedom and our forefathers fought for humanity and the rights that all people are equal.

Every human being has the right for that freedom not to be enslaved by the set minds and groups of people who believe otherwise. I feel sadness for what comes forth for my grandchildren and the future generation that is coming forward.

Shooting after shooting, innocent lives being taken, violence… What are we teaching our children? The world is its own enemy, and the world is the only one that can change that.

If we do not come together for the good of humanity and the future generations, then what shall this generation have to look forward to? I pray and will do everythingI can do to help my children and grandchildren – and everyone else’s – to know what is right and what is wrong, that they are human no one is perfect, but to make the world a better place for everyone.

God bless for the coming of our next generation to make the world better. I say this from my heart and soul because what I see and hear must be changed. Look into your children’s eyes and you will see the innocence and kindness that needs to come forth upon this world.

Thank You.

Linda A. Nichols


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