Sunday cartoon: Sun smart summer safety


BURRILLVILLE — School is out for summer vacation and that means plenty of road trips back-and-forth to the ocean and seaside communities in South County and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut beaches and hot spots over the coming months.

It also means plenty of exposure to the sun, the heat and humidity during the months of June, July and August here in this region.

If traveling in a convertible, remember to not drive or ride in this sun-filled vehicle for long periods of time. Not only can you be exposed to the damaging sun rays, you can also be exposed to wind burn and heat exhaustion while driving and riding in convertibles for a long time. Limit your exposure to the sun and if someone complains that the sun is too hot, then please put the convertible top up.

Do not transport infants or very young children in a convertible with the top down for any reason, especially when it’s sunny and hot outside. Keep your vehicles cool by turning on the car or truck AC and moderate length of time when transporting very young children and infants in any vehicle during hot summer months.

Window sun shields placed inside vehicles that block out the suns rays are very effective at keeping kids cooler while riding in vehicle backseats. If children are riding in a convertible in the backseat, wearing a baseball cap can help keep the sunlight directly off of their heads and faces. This helps prevent sunburns on their skin.

Over the coming weeks, we will be featuring summer season safety coloring cartoons and articles reminding kids and families about this timeline seasonal injury-prevention, healthy habits, sun smart safety, swimming safety, boating safety, sports and outdoor activities safety, barbecue and open flames safety, burn prevention and fire safety in the home, and vehicle safety.

Have a great and safe summer, and remember to boost up and buckle up the kids in the backseat for safety.

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