Sunday cartoon: Stop, Drop & Roll, Kids


BURRILLVILLE – We still have at least two more months ahead of us in this region for outdoor grilling, open fire pits and campfire safety related to little kids. All children must remain at least three feet away from grills, fire pits and campfires to avoid clothes catching on fire and being burned if in contact with hot grills or open flames.

Another safety measure would be to keep a handheld fire extinguisher near any grills and open flames just in case the unthinkable happens while you and your family are enjoying the outdoors until the month of November, when these hazards are no longer a threat to kids, teens and adults.

Earlier in the season, we featured a safe grilling, open fire pits and campfires coloring cartoon for the kids to color in and learn about staying three feet away from these fire hazards and avoiding burns. It was warmer then, and most everyone was wearing single layer clothes and not wearing two-layered clothing. With cooler evenings and earlier sunsets approaching in a few weeks, kids and families will more than likely be wearing long sleeve shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters and even light-weight jackets. These clothing items fit loosely on the body and can much more easily catch on fire. Loose clothing near open flames is a definite hazard, and everyone should be aware of what could happen when loose clothing catches fire. One of the most important fire safety and burn prevention messages that I could convey to little kids is; “Stop, Drop & Roll!”

My Fearless Dino Protector Squad fire safety mascot is named; Dino Puppy “911.” The kids absolutely love Dino Puppy “911.” He is one of the most requested coloring cartoon characters I’m asked for by little kids at community events, grade schools, daycares, libraries and community centers related to fire safety and burn prevention. They all love the Fearless Dino Protector Squad firefighting dinosaurs, but Dino Puppy “911,” is their pet Dinomation mascot and kids not only love dinosaurs; they also love pets.

Color this week’s Sunday feature coloring cartoon with your kids and practice “Stop, Drop & Roll!” with them, so they know, understand and remember what they should do in case their clothes catch on fire. Watch for more important fire related injury-prevention and life saving upcoming Fearless Dino Protector Squad Fire Safety and Burn Prevention coloring cartoons and articles for kids and families in the month of October during National Fire Safety & Prevention Month and into the holiday season.

Jim Weicherding is a Burrillville resident, and the founder and creator of an award-winning traffic safety effort Seasons of Safety. Weicherding contributes kids’ coloring cartoons, which can be printed and used to help parents discuss safety issues with their children. He has a long list of police officers and firefighters in his family and has worked with law enforcement and firefighters in a creative public safety capacity for more than two decades.

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