N.S. police notify residents of ‘high risk’ sex offender on Providence Pike


NORTH SMITHFIELD – The North Smithfield Police Department is notifying residents that a Level 3 sex offender has moved into a home on Providence Pike, on a property that abuts the elementary school and is less than one mile from the high school and middle school.

William Andrew Schatz, 38, is now living at 2200 Providence Pike, according to a notification sent out by the department on Wednesday, August 16.

According to the Rhode Island Sex Offender Registry, Schatz has a list of related convictions dating back to 2003, when he was charged with indecent assault and battery on a person age 14 or older. In 2006, he was convicted for transfer of child pornography, and then producing child pornography in 2014. In 2018, Schatz was convicted of assault with intent to commit first degree sexual assault.

The Level 3 designation is considered high risk and requires that notification be made to other law enforcement, individuals and agencies likely to encounter the offender, and posted to the public website for adult offenders.

The database shows that Schatz is one of five registered sex offenders in a two mile radius, and one of two in that area of Providence Pike. A second Level 3 offender, Theodore Chapdelaine, is registered at 2154 Providence Pike.

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      • This guy has lived or listed his address as 2200 Providence pike since at least 2003, I’m curious if a public notice has been issued before this latest one. The state language doesn’t make it clear if 1000 ft away means from the building or the property line.

        • I found in the RI General Laws 11-37.1-10 Penalties that it is measured from the nearest boundary line of the residence to the nearest boundary line of the school. in that case they share a boundary and have no separation which is a felony as stated in that law. This makes no sense how the local and state police have allowed this.

  1. How are (2) level 3 sex offenders allowed to reside that close to TWO public schools??? There are high school boys and girls running that road all the time for cross country. Makes total sense!!!!!


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