Flu clinic
North Smithfield Middle School at 1850 Providence Pike will hold a free flu clinic on Monday, Oct. 2 from 4-7 p.m. in the school gymnasium. Online registration is required to guarantee an appointment with limited walk-ins accepted. Vaccines for the flu, COVID-19 and FluMist will be offered. Participants are reminded to bring their insurance card if they have one, but there will be no out-of-pocket cost. Register here.
If you miss this one, a second clinic will be held on Thursday, Nov. 9.
Medicare 101
Gold Door Realty at 581 Smithfield Road will host Medicare 101 on Monday, Oct. 2 from 5:30-7 p.m., a fre,e informative session on the healthcare program. Whether you’re new to Medicare or just need a refresher, the event will cover everything you need to know about the ins and outs, including eligibility, coverage options, and enrollment. To register call (401) 524-7416.
Winter soccer?
The North Smithfield Youth Soccer Association is working to determine the level of interest in a potential indoor winter program running from November through March. The program would be made up of two separate sessions with each to run roughly 11 weeks and the price of would be the combined cost of league play and practice time divided by the number of players. It would include a minimum of one practice per week and one game per week if the team decides to enter into League Play. For younger teams they will make a decision about league play depending on the number of teams they are able to build.
A survey found here will be used to determine the total number of potentially interested players and time has been reserved on Oct 14th and 15th at Wide World of Indoor Sports for player rankings to assign skill appropriate division. The initial survey is not a player registration and more information will follow.
Pantry needs cereal
The North Smithfield Food Pantry at Slatersville Congregational Church has announced that pickup dates for October will be held on Saturdays, Oct. 21 and 28 at 10 a.m., and Tuesdays, Oct. 24 and 31 at 5:30 p.m. The pantry is open exclusively to North Smithfield residents and a photo ID and bill confirming address are required.
This month, the pantry is seeking donations of cereal, canned tuna and canned baked beans.

Town meetings
The North Smithfield Building Review Task Force and the North Smithfield Town Council will hold a joint meeting on Monday, Oct. 2 starting at 6:45 p.m. at Town Hall at 83 Green St. for a presentation on the upcoming vote for an $18 million bond for construction of a police station. It is the town’s second informational session on the bond, with a third to be held on Tuesday, Oct. 24. The agenda is here.
The Halliwell Review Committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, Oct. 5 starting at 6:45 p.m. at Town Hall at 83 Green St. The agenda is here.