Council honors Pitocco for work on juvenile hearing board


GLOCESTER – Members of the Glocester Town Council honored John Pitocco for his service to the town as a member of the Foster-Glocester Juvenile Hearing Board at the recent Town Council meeting. Pitocco recently retired after serving on the board for 18 years.

Town Council President William Worthy read a citation officially thanking Pitocco for his service on behalf of the council.

“You have served all of the residents of Glocester with your honesty, compassion, integrity and your real desire for restorative justice,” read the citation, in part. “Your commitment and caring  to Glocester’s youth and your sense of empathy for these young people will serve them to choose the right paths in their life as they move on to adulthood.”

“It was an honor serving on this committee,” said Pitocco.

Town Clerk Jean Fecteau later told NRI NOW what commitments like Pitocco’s mean to the town. She noted that volunteers are sometimes hard to come by.

“Volunteers are extremely important in a town such as ours,” said Fecteau. “They help us keep our operations running, as we have small staff, and with that they help us move into the future as our town continues to grow and prosper.”

Fortunately, she said, Glocester not only has many committed volunteers, but dedicated ones as well.

“In Glocester, the majority of our volunteers are very dedicated to their task,” said Fecteau, noting that they very often serve beyond their terms or for multiple terms. “In some cases, we have people that have been on boards since the inception of that board. John, like others before him, has been dedicated to the Juvenile Hearing Board and has served many terms faithfully and well.”

Pitocco’s dedication was a big plus for Glocester in many ways, she added.

“John Pitocco is a volunteer that I will always think of as one of the reasons our Juvenile Hearing Board has been so successful at helping our youngsters stay on course for a bright future,” said Fecteau. “John is a good man in so many ways, and the town of Glocester is a better place because of him.”

Pitocco is standing in front of the council with the citation  at 21:04 of the youtube video.

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