Sunday cartoon: Holiday fire safety & burn prevention


BURRILLVILLE – It’s the holiday season, and with it comes a variety of fire safety and burn prevention messages for kids and families.

Kids can color in these Fearless Dino Protector Squad Christmas tree cartoon character decorations while learning how to be fire safe, and help prevent unintentional burns in the home during the holidays. DinoLadderus wants to remind you to, “have two ways out,” of your apartment or home in case there is a fire. DinoTraumasore wants to remind kids to,”avoid hot stoves,” while an adult is cooking meals. DinoShnozzle wants to remind you to, “get out and stay out,” if you exit your apartment or home due to a fire. DinoTraxe wants to remind you to, “call 911,” in case of a fire. DinoPuppy (911) wants to remind kids to, “drop low and go” if there is a fire. Staying below the smoke and crawling to safety outside is the way to go. DinoChiefasaurous wants to remind kids to, “never play with fire,” in your apartment or home. Holiday lights, candles, decorations, Christmas trees and electrical cords can be hazardous if not properly displayed, and can contribute too and also increase the chances for a fire during this time of year.

Please discuss these fire safety hazards and burn prevention tips with your children while helping them to color in this Fearless Dino Protector Squad Home Fire Safety and Burn Prevention Coloring Cartoon featuring these popular firefighting dinosaurs with firefighting apparatus tails illustrated as Christmas tree decorations. Proudly display on your family refrigerators once they are colored in to help remind family and friends how to be fire safe and prevent burns.

Have a safe and happy holiday season!

Jim Weicherding is a Burrillville resident, and the founder and creator of an award-winning traffic safety effort Seasons of Safety. Weicherding contributes kids’ coloring cartoons, which can be printed and used to help parents discuss safety issues with their children. He has a long list of police officers and firefighters in his family and has worked with law enforcement and firefighters in a creative public safety capacity for more than two decades.

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