Snow plow ‘Blizzo’ ready to hit the roads with new name & decal thanks to NSES 4th grader

From left are North Smithfield Elementary School Principal Jennifer Daigneault, Scarlett Matera and Parks & Recreation Program Coordinator Kate Pasquariello. NRI NOW photo by Sandy Hall

NORTH SMITHFIELD – The next time you see a town snow plow drive by, don’t forget to check for the decal. It just might be, “Blizzo,” clearing up the latest winter mess from North Smithfield’s roadways.

Scarlett Matera, a student at North Smithfield Elementary School submitted the winning entry in a contest to name the plow, and was surprised with a visit to announce the news this week by Parks & Recreation Program Coordinator Kate Pasquariello and Principal Jennifer Daigneault.

Matera won a t-shirt featuring a plow with her moniker, “Blizzo,” and decals announcing the name will be placed on both sides of one of the Department of Public Works vehicles, just below the town emblem.

Pasquariello noted that the idea for a contest to name a snow plow came about at a Parks & Recreation Commission meeting.

“We thought it would be a fun activity for the town to initiate with the schools during the, ‘blah,’ of the winter months,” she said.

The contest was open to NSES 4th graders, with a optional, voluntary activity sent home with students. Participants drew a picture of a plow truck in action, coming up with unique names for the vehicle.

“The P&R Commission was happily surprised by the number of entries,” said Pasquariello. “We got a ton of them.”

“Using effort and creativity as a basis for choosing, the DPW staff selected the winner, but it was close contest,” she said.

“Big Betsy,” by Layla Morin was chosen as the runner up. Both girls are students in Ms. Glover’s class.

And it’s just the first year for the fun new winter activity. Pasquariello noted that the town currently has ten plow trucks, with a new one to be named and decaled each year for the next decade.

“It’s cute,” said Pasquariello. “We will continue this contest with a truck decal added each winter.”

Matera’s picture, meanwhile, will hang by the front office at the Providence Pike school, until a new entry is chosen next year.

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