Chippendale: Targets set by state’s Climate Act are unreachable


PROVIDENCE – House Minority Leader Michael Chippendale, who represents District 40 in Coventry, Foster and Glocester, has submitted legislation to require an annual study of the state’s electric load and capacity by the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission.

Chippendale says the bill is an effort to assist Rhode Island lawmakers in conservation and energy policy decisions amid rate hikes for consumers.

“The ambitious targets set by the 2021 Climate Act are turning out to be not only unreachable, but also excessively costly for our state’s ratepayers,” said Chippendale. “It is important that conservation and energy legislative decisions are not made in a vacuum.”

The Republican lawmaker said that data produced by professionals at the RI PUC must be factored into all energy mandates going forward.

“My bill directs the PUC to produce an annual report that analyzes our electric grid and its ability/capacity to handle the electric load needs to power cars, buildings, and the heating of homes within the state,” he said. “It is with timely data and metrics that we can make sound energy decisions on behalf of RI residents and businesses.”

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  1. Lawmakers and people in government must all become thoroughly educated about abrupt exponential climate change. Many of them are obviously still ignorant and are making decisions based upon what they read in the media. Truth be told, global average temperatures are now at a catastrophic 2.0-2.2 deg C above 1770 levels. The IPCC moved up the baseline from which global warming is calculated to 1920 to make the information more palatable to politicians and fossil fuel companies. The IPCC is a useless and completely ineffective body. 28 COPS and Zero emissions reductions. That one statistic says all anyone needs to know about the failed IPCC and UN.

    The perpetual growth economy driven by laissez faire economics is literally killing us. Those days are over. The days of mindless and rampant consumerism are over. The days of unlimited sized families are over. In fact, it’s pure ignorance and selfishness to even bring even 1 child into this dying world. On a planet that can sustain 2-3 billion people, there are now 8 billion. It’s about time humans start implementing strict population controls. We are now consuming 1.75X Earth’s available resources. We are literally consuming the future. People need to wake up from their stupor and the consumerism in which they were programmed from birth in the USA.

    The authorities should immediately implement a 25% reduction in emissions across the board. They could do alternating forced blackouts and simply turn the grid off to each household for 8 hours per day. They should immediately end all fossil fuel subsidies and implement a strict carbon tax. All oil drilling and exploration should be immediately stopped. It’s either humans want to survive and want all Life on Earth to survive or not. On the current trajectory there won’t be a single human being standing on Earth by 2030.

  2. As soon as people start experiencing the least little bit of discomfort caused by climate change or laws, they whine like babies. That’s because they are ignorant of just how severe abrupt climate change actually is. Abrupt climate change now threatens humanity and all Life on Earth with certain near term extinction.

    Actions by lawmakers and government must immediately become much more aggressive and austere if humans are to have a shot at survival.

  3. How about eliminating unneccessary streetlights in every community’s inventory of public streetlighting and also on RIDOT highways. Streetlights needlessly burning all night long in so many locations, at full power illuminating straight-aways, road/highway crossings through swamps and in commercial areas where many are simply not needed (all night long).

    How about implementation of mandatory controls on all public lighting as a conservation measure. Dim all lights during certain hours by 50%, implement occupancy sensing as a standard requirement, turn some off part-night where safe to do so and eliminate wasteful ones that are unneeded.

    Implement that policy on public streetlighting, then take that heavy hand to public buildings, both State and Local (including schools), both inside & outside. So much wasted energy, all one needs to do is simply look around at night and see the eveidence is obtrusive & profound; everywhere! This policy change goes way beyond simply converting public lighting to “energy efficient” LED, because many communities & State agencies took the opportunity to convert to add mega-bright lighting and more of it. The perspective takes a wider approach on optimizing specified wattage to the lowest levels needed to satisfy the objective and gaming the available electricty rates afforded within the PUC tariffs.

    Not only will society save electricity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce overall programmatic costs to the taxpayer, but impacts on our local ecology/environment and light pollution will both be reduced. Major dollars can be saved, if the system is leveraged properly and if people can just realize the fact that brighter isn’t necessarily better.

    #ROLAN (Responsbile Outdoor Lighting At Night)

    This small policy & culture change of the western world will preserve capacity and prolong expensive capital upgrades to infrastructure systems within our existing electricity grid. Be prepared however, energy producers, suppiers, distributors and lobbyists will vehmently protest against this change, because it means lower net-profits at the end of the fiscal year.



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