Church to host first open mic April 16


    First Universalist Church of Burrillville will host its first Open Mic on Tuesday, April 16, from 7 to 9 p.m. Organizers feel that this will be an opportunity to spotlight local talent and connect the church within the local community. Open Mic will continue as a monthly event on the third Tuesday of each month. Musicians and poets are invited to come and share songs and/or poems in front of an audience. All are welcome to share their talents or just enjoy the evening’s entertainment.

    Those who wish to perform are asked to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of the event to sign up on the list. Open mic participants will have 10 minutes or two songs, or 5 minutes or two poems. If the church gets through the list early, they will do a ‘lightning round,’ and go around again. 

    The event is free, but donations are welcome to support the preservation efforts of this historic church.

    For more information about the open mic, contact Jan Luby at [email protected].

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