Detour, Atwater Donnelly & parade winners: Six things to know in Glocester this week

Contributor Karen Iacobbo took this photo of spectators at the Ancients & Horribles Parade. See more pictures from the event at

Winner winner

The Glocester Parade Committee has announced that the winning ticket number from the 50/50 raffle from the town fireworks held Saturday, June 29 is #004700.

The committee also awarded prizes to parade participants with 1st place going to The Horses, 2nd place to Jurassic Park and 3rd place to Big Bear. Lady Liberty and the Baptist Church were awarded consolation prizes.

See our coverage and photos from the parade here.


As part of ongoing improvements to the area of Putnam Pike/Route 44, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation is closing Reservoir Road, from Putnam Pike to Money Hill Road, weekdays from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. for approximately one month, which began on Monday, July 8.

Access will remain for local traffic, but northbound traffic will be detoured using South Main Street/Route 100. Southbound traffic will not be affected. RIDOT will mill and pave the road and install new guardrail, signs and striping.

RIDOT notes that all construction projects are subject to changes in schedule and scope depending on needs, circumstances, findings and weather.

Beach update

The Glocester Recreation Department has announced that swim lessons normally at Marion Irons beach will remain at Spring Grove this week. The beach has been closed since a cyanobacteria test on June 25 that exceeded allowable limits. Additional tests were conducted prior to the holiday on Thursday, July 4 and results are pending.

Summer concert

The town’s summer concert series continues this week with Atwater Donnelly to play at the Kent Field Pavilion at 1111 Putnam Pike starting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 10. Visitors are invited to bring blankets and chairs to enjoy the free concert.

Coffee Break

REMax at 712 Putnam Pike has begun hosting Coffee Break Thursdays every week from 9-11 a.m. All are welcome to stop by and grab an iced coffee to go and a breakfast treat. Questions can be directed to Dawn Wallitsch at (401) 338-6631.

Town meetings

The Glocester Housing Authority will hold a meeting on Tuesday, July 9 starting at 7 p.m. in the community room of Laurel Crest at 64 Chestnut Hill Road. The agenda is here.

The Glocester Land Trust will hold a meeting on Tuesday, July 9 starting at 7 p.m. at Town Hall at 1145 Putnam Pike. The agenda is here.

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