Beauregard cites achievements, but says town can do better in run for N.S. Town Council


NORTH SMITHFIELD – A town councilor currently serving his third term on the board is seeking reelection in 2024, citing his achievements and contributions to the town while noting there is still work to be done.

Councilor John Beauregard served on the Rhode Island State Police for 25 years prior to running for local office, retiring as lieutenant serving in the position of night executive officer. He notes that as night executive officer he was in charge of all state police matters between the hours of 9 p.m. to 8 a.m., with up to 30 troopers working under his command on any given night.

Beauregard was also the assistant commander of the hostage negotiation team.

“My experience on the state police taught me the importance of thinking on my feet and being able to make decisions,” Beauregard said. “When an emergency is taking place and decisions have to be made we do not have the luxury of tabling it to next week because we can’t decide what to do.”

He notes he moved to North Smithfield in 1994.

“When I met my wife Janice we decided to remain here and raise our family,” he said. “Our daughter just graduated from North Smithfield High School.”  

“When I retired from the state police in 2015 I decided to get involved in local politics,” Beauregard said. “I loved the town but felt we could always do better. And that should always be the case no matter what path you choose. So in 2016, I threw my hat into the ring and ran for town council.” 

In 2017, it was Beauregard who first began the North Smithfield tradition of having a fireworks display on the Saturday after the 4th of July.

“The first three years were done strictly with donations I raised from local businesses and individuals,” he said. “In 2018 we decided to make the event even bigger by adding North Smithfield Days and made it a three day celebration including Kids Day in the Park and Dinner Under the Stars. These traditions carry on today and bring our community closer together. The last two years it was estimated that over 2,000 people attended the fireworks.”  

“Some may not feel bringing fireworks to town is a big deal, but I have always believed the little things can actually help with the big things,
like building community,” Beauregard said.

As a councilor, Beauregard notes that he supported major initiatives, such as increasing the veterans tax credit, purchasing open space, and maintaining programs for seniors, even participating on occasion himself at Scouters Hall.  

“I have been a very big supporter of our schools and athletic programs,” he said. “I negotiated getting the bathrooms, concession stand, and press box built at the track and football field at very little cost to the town. Although they have only been there three years, today it’s difficult to imagine what it was like when we did not have bathrooms at the field.”

During his recent term, Beauregard supported initiatives such as hiring a grant writer, lowering the state sales tax and bringing safe, clean water to areas of the town with polluted wells.  

“I support the building of a senior center with the $4 million grant the town received,” he said. “I support our police officers and although the bond failed, I supported the building of a new police station. I believe you could not walk through that building without coming to the same conclusion. Since the bond failed we will do our best to improve the building and give our officers a safe, clean working environment.

“I was not sure if I was going to run for office again this year,” Beauregard said. “However, I felt this term was very unfulfilling with very little getting accomplished. It seemed politics played a part in every decision and vote made by the council.”

“I have always believed you make your best, honest decision and let the chips fall where they may,” he said. “Instead, too many votes were
continued to another week with no decisions being made. Good ideas were dismissed just because of who came up with them. Ideas that would have a positive impact on our town’s future were dismissed because of political affiliations.”   

“It is for those reasons I decided to run for town council again,” Beauregard said. “Just like in 2016, I know we can do better.”

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  1. Why all the drama…. This town and all the back handed comments. He either has your vote or not…. If he does – great and if not, use your civil duty right and vote for someone else! But enough is enough…. It’s tiresome!

    • Look where all the nonsense comments stem from. It’s the same handful of people for the last 6 years+ “Back room deals, crimes, bribe accusations, election interference accusations, being a mysogonist, on and on”.

      The same people say the same things over and over thinking the voters of NS will listen to them. These people suffer from BDS.

      “Beauregard derangement syndrome”

      It’s a thing

      • Is it nonsense when it’s true though? I think the people who suffer from this made up disease are their supporters. There’s multiple articles about the hissy fit they threw when it involved the election interference. There’s other articles about how they were not speaking for the town in an official capacity when some deals were made as well. As a taxpayer, it’s ridiculous.

        • Again, please post links to these said articles. Please post the Board of Elections report finding Mr. Beauregard to be in violation of election interference. Links to a comment section on social media do not count as an “article”. I believe John M is still waiting for your “Proof”

              • It was, it’s a shame that the moderation team isn’t posting it. It also referenced that I did indeed talk to John M. Bad job trying to discredit me.

                • Well the good news is BM, the moderation team did post your link. We thank you for that !

                  However, did you happen to actually read the article of the link you shared? How does Mr. Beauregard report witnessed sign (his own sign , not any opponents) tampering by Mike Clifford to the police constitute “election interference? Please enlighten us.

                  • Oh cool, my comment is gone. So basically it’s required by law to get approval to put a yard sign in/on someone else’s property. Since it was not approved by the owner, and they tried to gain an unfair advantage by the placement of said sign in a high traffic area, thus equating to election interference. For someone who used to uphold the law, they aren’t very good at following it.

                    As for Josh W, there is a moderation team. When I posted the comment it said sending to moderation team for approval. Other comments not involving a link get right through.

  2. Congratulations John on your candidacy, I applaud your efforts to raise the standards
    and services to the citizens of the town no matter what their political preference. Keep up the great work, all the best to you and the family! Myself and many others are grateful for your
    efforts based on experience and the equanimity you’ve developed and demonstrated through
    a constant barrage of negative hysterical emotionally undisciplined targeted rhetoric, and still displayed the professional acumen to get positive beneficial projects seen through while doing so.
    There are two types of horses in this world, show horses and work horses, thankfully you’re the later. I look forward to see your leadership uplift the town to the future, not dwell in the past.


  3. Wow SuzyQ! you Sound unhinged, are you ok? And now you are injecting identity politics into NS? Why are you making this about gender? What men are rude? What women are sick of it? We know Mr. Z made some mistakes, however thats quite reckless of you to make broad insinuations and accusations about men.

    Mike it’s ok that I just use my initials. Kevin Mutto said it was ok. You can check with him. Thanks.

    • Some mistakes is an understatement. Would you consider people who have said he has done nothing wrong and stand by them a mistake as well? Almost all the women I’ve talked to about this issue have said they’re sick of it, and want it to stop, that includes people not just from around here. If you can’t see the problem, then that’s part of the problem in of itself. So let’s get back to the task at hand, stop deflecting.

  4. Ah yes, the Nike Ban, the amount of volunteers plummeting, did nothing to help curb the sexual harassment in town hall even after being told about 6 months prior to the rest of the town, trying to silence critics by failing at getting them fired, insulting veterans, insulting people who disagree with them, multiple election infractions, defending the current administrator, not understanding how supply and demand works. Yup, definitely should have not ran ever again.

    • Most people wouldn’t say the things you say unless they had serious proof to back them up. But then again most people wouldn’t reply to you either. I say it’s time to put up or shut up. You have said some pretty slanderous things about me but have never backed up a single thing. So please share. You have called me corrupt, tell everyone what corruption I’m involved in. You have said I should be with crimes. Tell everyone what criminal activity I’m involved in. You have said I was involved in election tampering. Tell everyone what I’ve done that would constitute election tampering. And most egregious of all you have said I have made fun of or insulted our veterans or members of the military. Please share what disparaging comments I have made about members of our military. Not what I have said about you in your role as keyboard worrier but what I have said about our veterans or members of the military? If you can’t do this it’s time for you to move on and get a life. I have had many different types of people under my command but I can honestly say there has not been anyone like you. So as I said, please tell everyone what it is you seem to know that nobody else does.

      • Zwolenski will be gone, and now it’s time to broom O’Hara and Beauregard, it’s long overdue to dump these candidates and bring in a new, fresh, fiscal and forward-looking town council.

      • Are you going to run and hide, just like the last time you got embarrassed by asking this type of question? I provided proof multiple times over, you cowered and never responded. Must I do it again?

      • I would think that someone who keeps reminding us of his virtuous career as a trooper, would not engage in recording video while driving for one thing….and if traffic is parked where No Parking signs exist, would give a holler to the NS popo. The right thing to do….
        So let’s also not mention the improperly filled out lot transfer deed …..
        The backdoor solar project deal……and the best one…cyberstalking a military NG person in order to call his CO because he hurt your feelins..….and doesn’t kiss the ground your ex trooper self walks on…those trooper days are gone….and BTW, weren’t you internally investigated and disciplined? Like to share that?
        I can tell you they laughed until they dropped at his base HQ on that testicular move there JB! And when that did not work, to attack his IQ for joining the NG, which I am sure won you further points with ALL his fellow military battalion!. Some things are just SMH funny. JB should have put all that energy in saving a young lady from the perverted TA, and saving the town from embarrassment and a lawsuit. We can go on and on, ppl need to elect new respectable, law-abiding, professional ppl. Change out the TC, ring out the old, bring in the new! Only then will recovery occur. Ppl who honest to goodness care about the town as whole and not a personal agenda.

        • Not her again or SuzyQ whatever name you’re going by on this page, would you care to make a donation to my campaign? Please make your check out to Friends of John Beauregard. Any amount is greatly appreciated. And thanks for your kind words.

          • No way Jose. My money is behind an articulate young lady and others. You need to go along with your baseball cap partner.
            And my moniker is not a debatable issue. Only your performance or lack thereof as per the issues at hand of the town.

            • Well then you can stuff envelopes for me or help pass out Literature. You’re too kind.

              Thank you for your support.

              John Beauregard

              • Sarcasm. Typical. Arrogance. Typical.
                Ppl are opening their eyes to all the disrespect they have endured, especially the women as to how men have treated them. Your days are numbered as to being a high spender on the TC and not investigating things beyond your own personal interests. Of just being up there because you wanted attention still after taking off a uniform. Yeah, we get it. We see it. And which is why you keep reminding us of it. You thrive on attention-grabbing, but being on the TC means listening to the townspeople……THEIR NEEDS FIRST AND FOREMOST.
                Tick tock. Tick tock.


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