Newton cites business experience in bid for N.S. town council


NORTH SMITHFIELD – Kevin Newton has officially announced his intent to seek election to the North Smithfield Town Council, highlighting his public and private sector business and auditing experience.

Newton began his auditing career with a regional public accounting firm in Providence where he worked for three years prior to transitioning to the private sector. He has been successfully performing audits for internal audit departments for more than 12 years.  

“Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations,” Newton explained. “It assists in accomplishing goals by evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and the governance processes.”

“In the audit industry I feel there are three specific skills needed to be successful: critical thinking, adaptivity and collaboration,” Newton said. “I plan to use these skills and my experience to improve efficiency and effectiveness in our town government”.

Newton said he was motivated by national level politics to get involved in local government to try to make a difference. He said he believes his skill set can translate into a wide range of support to the town.

“By nature, and trade, I am an independent thinker who believes that all sides have worthwhile ideas,” he said. “It’s not about trying to win the argument but to do what’s best for the majority while being fiscally responsible. I’m excited to bring this perspective to the town council and to serve the people of North Smithfield. I ask for your vote in November.”  

Newton has lived in town for 10 years with his wife Maggie. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business, with a concentration in accounting, and is a certified internal auditor. 

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  1. I find it interesting that national politics was the driving force for his new participation in local. Is there any issue locally that caught his eye?

    I’d like to hop on the bandwagon but I would like a little more detail about his town experience. I believe we really need an auditor, but not necessarily on the council.

    • How can it hurt? Keeping an Eagle eye on expenditures cannot possibly be a bad thing! This town needs it more than ever with a FD that has no real strong financial know-how as has been proven so far watching the town meetings. MC has said there would be a deficit, and indeed it was proven. Hopefully he wins a spot on the TC, would be an asset to this council, a town financial watchdog if you will….

      • We already have a financial “watchdog” per se. He just doesn’t have the fortitude to run for an elected position. It’s easier to rant and rave from the guest podium every week. Besides when is the last time, or anytime you he told you he was wrong? It’s clear he controls Alves and Hamilton and to a certain extent Osier as he usually goes along with those two.

        I wonder whose idea this new trash policy REALLY was?? If you notice, he’s been very quiet about it however early on was extremely supportive of it (along with this make believe friends). Now it’s blowing up where a young family of 6 has the same trash limitation of an elderly couple of 2. Osier, as a father of a young family, you should be ashamed of yourself for not having the stones to stand up to Ray,Kim and Paulette!!!! You’re ok with paying an additional $340 a year to have a 2nd trash can? Your taxes just went up! And now to get back to the level of service you had prior to this new trash deal, you have to pay an additional $340 a year??? A penal consumption tax no matter what you call it. And they are ok with that !!! I hope all young families see what Alves, Hamilton, Pendergast really feel about their constituents with this decision!!! Talk about discrimination!!! All 3 need to go!!

        • Once again, here we have someone who is clearly on a mission; which is to malign the character of councilors who can’t be coerced into listening to or following the orders of the backroom boys. You always come on these posts just to bash Kim and Paulette. You never address the article itself, you simply come on to take your cheap and cowardly shots. You refer to me as having as lacking fortitude and yet you don’t even have the intestinal fortitude to use your real name. John and Tony often post using some silly alias, and like you, they also appear to have zero tolerance towards these two strong women who can’t be pressured by ANYONE to go against their own judgements.

          With regard to your diatribe about the new trash program I’ll simply point out that you don’t know what you’re talking about as evidenced by your claim that the cost is $340; it’s actually $319. Also, you failed to state how much this new program saved the Town. Hint; it was big bucks!

          From now on try to muster some courage and do your little friends John and Tony a favor by responding with your real name so everyone won’t think JP is either of them, or one their little minions.

          • Wow!!! If this isn’t the pot calling the kettle black. “Coming on her to malign character”. Isn’t that your full time job? How come you always “rush” to the web-aid for these two STRONG women? I’m not saying they aren’t strong, it’s just fascinating how you ALWAYS rush in whenever anyone questions them. It’s quite telling….

            My apologies on the $21 difference professor. It’s clear you have no issue burdening larger families with your penal consumption tax. Discriminating against larger families, younger families and lower income families. I’”n this day and age of “EQUITY” make this make sense!! Of course we save money. We now have a trash capacity that was forced down our throats. And who voted for this??? And who voted for this that aligns with your view here ?? Hmmmmmm….what other towns also have a trash consumption tax above the 1 can quota in RI?

            But I forgot, you always want to change the sewer use fee as well, From a flat fee to a “scaled by # of bedrooms fee”. Wait til he tries this one!! It’s coming. Or maybe that was Kevin Mutto who suggested that ….

            It’s ok I just go by my initials. My friends Tom Devito, Kevin Mutto, Bob Simpson, Dave J and Harley53 all said it’s ok.

            • I think JP that if you listen to the Town Meeting JB also voted in favor of it, before he was against it or was it the other way around? Too many flip flops, like the police station…for it, doesn’t want to spend all that money….just election year politics. Oh and before you bring this up, Mike Clifford and I often disagree. Signed, the real Mary

            • You commented on this article which is about a new town council candidate but rather than offer commentary about the candidate’s campaign announcement, you chose to comment on the trash issue, Alves and Hamilton and also alluded to me, just as you always do. It’s important that readers realize your sole purpose in commenting is only to wage a campaign against other candidates for the benefit of John and Tony.

              You implied that I can persuade the two women to change their positions because you really do see them as weak rather than strong. Only someone who believed they were truly weak would suggest they could be swayed so easily. Your comment compelled me to call you out for being chauvinistic. Those who have watched the videos of the meetings know that I often promote ideas and offer suggestions but very, very, few are accepted or implemented.

              Stop kidding yourself, you could care less about the needy, if you did care for them you’d be appalled if council members had turned their backs on the huge savings achievable with this contract. That would have increased tax bills for all the needy residents including some seniors, veterans, single parents, and struggling small families alike. That’s what John Beauregard wanted the council to do, in addition to spending whatever amount it took to buy anyone and everyone an extra bin. Council candidate Joey Sevigny concurred with Beauregard on the additional spending spree. You all automatically falsely assumed and profiled people with many children as being poor.

              Lastly, you have no legitimate reason to use a fake name. You do so only because disclosing your real name would be a huge embarrassment to you and your political allies.

        • I agree. I empathize with you all. Ludicrous price period. In my town a house pays the same, and we can have a second trash can or compost bin at no extra cost….even dumpsters trucked in for 3 days if remodeling or cleaning out and they take it away. It’s all figured in the tax annually. And our taxes are still much lower. Nickle and diming to death in NS. It’s all where you live, how the town is money-managed, and resources available. Priorities. Small New England towns have the hardest times it seems. I find it extremely expensive to live there considering all you have to pay for and the hardship in trying to save money, get services to care for yourself, your home and lawn, you just cannot. The costs are outrageous. So maybe burn more I guess. What you can, safely. Your taxes will keep going up, fees too no doubt. I really really wonder how many make it through, fall through the cracks of qualifying for help, without major sacrifices to their welfare taking place.

  2. I so appreciate the qualifications of these new candidates for the TC and Kevin’s credentials will be an asset to The town. Thank you for stepping up.


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