Back to school, Lilo & Stitch, Mystery show: Six things to know in Burrillville this week

PVD Food Trucks posted video from The Assembly of Food Trucks on Sunday, with Chris Monte providing live entertainment. The event will be held one final time this season on Sunday, Oct. 13.

Open house

Dance Inspirations at 1452 Broncos Highway will host an open house on Wednesday, August 28 from 5-7 p.m. and Saturday, August 31 from 10 a.m. to noon. Families are invited to tour the studio and meet the teachers. New students who sign up in person at the open house will receive a free dance bag while supplies last.

Turf update

The town of Burrillville’s webpage dedicated to information regarding a project to install a synthetic turf field at Burrillville High School has some recent update, including answers to questions posed at the Town Council meeting on Wednesday, August 14, and a copy of a recent letter from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management and Department of Health about concerns for potential water contamination.

View information related to the project here.

Back to school

It’s back to school this week for Burrillville students, with the first day of classes for students in grades 1-12 to be held on Wednesday, August 28. Kindergarten students will have screenings and placements this week, with classes to begin next week.

To get students ready, Austin T Levy Elementary School will host an open house on Tuesday, August 27. At Burrillville Middle School, 6th grade and new student orientation will be held on Monday, August 26 from 6-8 p.m.

Bus routes have also been released and can be found on the DATTCO website here.

Final Friday movie

With summer winding down, Spring Lake Beach at 50 Old Hillside Drive will host a final Family Friday movie night on August 30 with a showing of Lilo & Stitch. The movie night is free and open to the public, sponsored the Burrillville Prevention Action Coalition, with the movie starting at 7 p.m. In case of rain, the event will be held on Saturday night.

Mystery show

The Assembly Theatre at 26 East Ave. will host a 24 Hour Mystery Show on August 31. Actors auditioned with no information on the production and will begin learning their roles for the first time the day before. In just 24 hours, crew at the theater will design lighting, fit costumes and learn lines prior to showtime at 7 p.m.

Organizers at the theater have released just a few hints noting that the production is a play, not a musical; it is public domain; the source is very well known; and it is not Shakespeare. The show had to be rescheduled from it’s original date in July due to illness.

Tickets cost $15 and will be available at the door.

Town meetings

The Burrillville Conservation Commission will hold a meeting on Monday, August 26 starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Binns buliding at 111 Chapel St. The agenda is here.

The Burrillville Redevelopment Agency will hold a meeting on Tuesday, August 27 starting at 7 p.m. in the community room of Jesse Smith Memorial Library at 100 Tinkham Lane. The agenda is here.

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