GLOCESTER – Laurie Caspoli was appointed as Glocester’s new tax collector at a recent Town Council meeting.
A Smithfield resident, Caspoli was recently appointed to replace longtime collector Jane Steere, who retired after over 30 years of service to the town.
“I love this town,” Caspoli told NRI NOW. “It was a great invitation. The welcome was warm. It was a good match.”
Caspoli arrives with more than 20 years of experience with the state of Rhode Island, where she worked in unemployment, temporary disabilities and fraud investigation. As part of her last role as a fraud investigator, she wore a sheriff’s badge as part of her position.
“My husband would say, ‘Someone in this family has a badge. Not me,'” she laughed. “It was a really interesting job.”
Caspoli, 52, is married to Frederick Schroer and has two teenage boys, Jake and Luca.
A Rhode Island graduate with a bachelor’s in general business, collecting money, she explained, was always part of her previous jobs. Becoming a tax collector made sense, given her work history and background.
“I applied for the position because it mirrored what I was doing,” said Caspoli. “I thought it fit me with my experience and my background. I have a good rapport with people. I think if you touch anyone or if you are dealing with any finances, you have to have certain skills, people skills, to deal with that. Not everyone is made of money. Not everyone expects that bill to come, even if they are a taxpayer. I think it takes a certain person, and I think I fit that position.”
Human Resource Director Don Zimmeran explained that it is not easy filling positions for small towns. Usually, possible hires are looking for more money than what a small town’s payroll allows. Out of the half dozen or so interviewed, however, Caspoli seemed to be a good fit. She had the experience and the right personality for the job.
Being a tax collector, however, Caspoli said, is not an easy position.
“Every day is a challenge,” she said. “Every day is different. If you are able to resolve problems you have to deal with, you can lay your head down at night.”
Following in the footsteps of Steere will be no easy task, she admitted.
“I know that will be hard,” said Caspoli.
At the meeting the council also approved a special citation honoring Steere for her 33 years of commitment to the town.
“You have served the town of Glocester with your experience, integrity, patience, and kind spirit to all,” read the citation. “We appreciate your commitment and acknowledge your service to our community. We promise, in your honor, we will do our best to keep the tax collection rate high. The Town Council represents all your fellow employees and our residents, when we say, ‘Thank you’ and we wish you much enjoyment and new adventures in your retirement.”
“Jane went above and beyond, especially the last few years,” said Councilor Walter Steere, her nephew. “She really saved our bacon because of the roles she was able to fill in for.”
“Sincere gratitude to Jane Steere,” said Council Vice President Stephen Arnold. “She took one for team Glocester when she could have retired two years ago.”
Laurie is a top notch choice, best of luck!! Glocester is in good hands.