Letter: Newberry would bring compassion, decisive leadership to role of N.S. administrator


North Smithfield needs a Town Administrator who knows how to work well with others, how to manage people and how to bring different groups together to reach a common goal. I have known Beth Newberry for over 15 years and watched how she handles all sorts of situations and personalities. She listens, shows empathy and compassion, tries to address the needs of all as best she can, but in the end is decisive. Talk only goes so far and eventually someone needs to make a choice. I want a leader for my town who I trust to have factored in all the competing interests and needs before making a decision. I want someone who I know will be acting on behalf of all of us as best she is able and not just one faction or interest. Most of all I want someone who understands and can work with people of all stripes. Beth Newberry is that leader. Please vote for her this November.

Paula Helm

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