Osier cites progress & achievements in run for re-election to N.S. Town Council


NORTH SMITHFIELD – Town Council Vice President Douglas Osier notes that he has been active this term, focused on, “improving our town today and for future generations.”

He said his most significant achievement was sponsoring legislation to, “safeguard our drinking water, groundwater, and aquifers.”

Osier established the Water Supply Review and Groundwater Protection Committees, engaging various town boards, commissions, the public, and the council.

“Together, we worked with state agencies, local businesses, hosted workshops, and focused on education,” Osier said.

He notes he also spearheaded the initiative to update the town website for enhanced transparency and advocated for the inclusion of a facilities manager in the budget.

Osier said he is devoted to, “making balanced, objective, data-driven decisions, emphasizing planning, fiscal accountability, preservation of the rural landscape, economic development, education, and open government.”

He sits on both the Planning and Zoning Regulation, and Halliwell Review Committees. Osier supported hiring a grant writer, a human resource officer, and Halliwell as the new multigenerational community center location.

In addition, Osier reinstated the Charter Review Commission and recommended that the council serve as the municipal building review building committee in transition.  Osier is a two-term Councilman, former chair of the towns budget committee, and asset management committee member. He also ran for Town Administrator in 2020. 

Osier lives in town with his wife and their two young children and dogs. He holds degrees in finance and economics from Stonehill College and an MBA in leadership from Franklin Pierce University. He also serves as treasurer for the North Smithfield Heritage Association and has a management career in business intelligence and analytics.

Osier respectfully asks for your vote in the upcoming election.

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  1. Carcinogens are coming out of every vehicle on the road too. Daily.
    Let me ask you this, and not take it to heart wrongly…..but when you went into the woods, adjacent to the quarry, taking all those noise meter readings, running your hand through the sand on the leaves and ground without gloves, the quarry still blasting away and you narrating, videotaping….were you wearing a mask and protective eye wear? Your voice was not muffled….

  2. It took us over a year and over 40 weekly .. yes weekly meetings to go over our water ordinances and get approved by TC but not without the rebuttal of who? Why Dudley Corps PB. Also NS very own Environmental Scientist Gary Esovski who told me we didn’t have an aquifer. Well guess what else is going into our aquifer? The carcinogenic dust coming from the quarry. You can’t just shrug off “it’s just dust”. It’s not “just dust”. It’s glowing dust that will kill you. Now, which council person will take on the Pezza’s?

  3. Unfortunately, he has done nothing as far as I know to ensure we all have CLEAN AIR TO BREATHE.

    Anyone remember we have a Clean Air Act as well as a Clean Waters Act?

    RIGL § 23-23-31. Dust control at extractive industries.

    “This section applies to all extractive industries, as that term is defined in § 45-24-31(25), that are located within one thousand five hundred feet (1,500′) of any occupied dwelling structure from the location of the piles of material defined in § 23-23-3(8).

    (1) Manufactured, unwashed sand shall not be stockpiled except in a manner that prevents fugitive dust from traveling beyond the property line of the extractive industry by use of water sprays.”

    It is being violated repeatedly every time they blast and not one current member of the Town Council has done anything about it. You’d think one of them could inform the State Fire Marshal that the permit they have issued is allowing the blaster to violate this law and fill the air, not only with fugitive dust but fugitive dust replete with respirable crystalline silica dust, a carcinogen akin to asbestos.

    Let that sink in. The Town knows a carcinogen is becoming airborne every time the wind blows or they blast yet they have sat upon their hands and have not stopped it. All it would take is a phone call to the fire marshal and providing them with a number of the blast videos I have hosted.


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