The following is a list of property sales recorded in the Burrillville Town Clerk’s office between Monday, Sept. 30 and Wednesday, Oct. 9.

133 Reservoir Road
- Seller: Peter & Jon Hill
- Buyer: Jeffrey & Carla Lace
- Price: $816,000
0 Douglas Pike
- Seller: Pasco Scetta
- Buyer: Eugene & Sandra Rochefort
- Price: $100,000

26 Lakeview Drive
- Seller: Thomas Rambacher
- Buyer: David Langlois
- Price: $380,000

41 Casino Ave.
- Seller: Raymond & Virginia Lariviere
- Buyer: Justin & Megan York
- Price: $385,000

240 Emerson Road
- Seller: Adrienne Dalomba
- Buyer: David & Haleigh Castellone & David Daggett
- Price: $440,000

303 Snake Hill Road
- Seller: Michael & Gail Labossiere
- Buyer: Raymond & Rosanna Doughty
- Price: $450,000

49-51 Granite St.
- Seller: Robert Selman
- Buyer: Estuardo Roca Duarte, Elma Carrascoza Sanchez De Roca & Arly Roca
- Price: $450,000

684 Spring Lake Road
- Seller: Phillip & Eileen LaRiviere
- Buyer: Mihaela & Ryan Glennon
- Price:$370,000