As a town resident for the past 38 years, I support Scott Gibbs to be the next town administrator in North Smithfield based on his years of professional leadership experience and his ability to get things done.
I have known him since I was North Smithfield’s administrator, and during the 21 years I served as the administrator for the town of West Bridgewater. He has proven that he can successfully work with state and local municipal officials to design a path forward to improve their communities. His educational and economic development background gives him the tools he needs to make smart choices for our community.
He fully understands all facets of regional and town government, having held several positions on boards and commissions. His goal is to create an elevated culture that will respect the opinions of residents and employees. Scott knows that each challenge must be approached with a consistent methodical perspective in order to produce the best outcome. I think it’s time we support someone who has the drive, the experience and the commitment to make the role of administrator one that we can all be proud of again.
Let’s get things done!
I ask you to vote for Scott Gibbs for North Smithfield town administrator.
Thank you.
Elizabeth D. Faricy
Elizabeth Faricy was the town administrator of North Smithfield Town Administrator from 1989 to 1991 and the administrator in West Bridgewater, Mass. from 1992 to 2013.
“Gibbs stated that his purpose for running for the town administrator position is to, ” lead a culture of professionalism, responsiveness, and effectiveness in Town Hall.” He explained that he wants to create a statewide reputation of excellence for North Smithfield, which should be the expectation of all residents and taxpayers. He said he is committed to forging an open, collaborative relationship with the Town Council and the various boards and commissions to strategize the town’s future.
“The world is changing at an increasingly rapid rate and the town can either control change or be controlled by it,” Gibbs said. “My wife and I have raised three kids in the town’s school system and sports programs. We have fond feelings for North Smithfield, and we want the town to continue to prioritize a high quality of life, a diversified and strong fiscal base, and a community culture of kindness and civility.”
If elected as North Smithfield’s town administrator, Gibbs pledged to lead by example.”
Seems to me he already stated why he was running for TA. Why do you need more?
July 11, 2024 VB:
“NORTH SMITHFIELD – Though he doesn’t self-identify as a “politician,” Scott Gibbs has four decades of experience working with local government across the state of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, which he hopes to leverage if he becomes the next town administrator.
“I’ve never been in politics,” Gibbs told The Breeze. “I’ve spent 35 years living here, I raised all three of my kids here, and I’m just not happy with the direction it’s going. The town needs new leadership.””
I agree and the reasoning to do so is sufficient for me…..
Amen. I just don’t get why some need grasping onto his change from TC to TA. Makes no difference as his decision-making with his wife, the final, that of TA…respectively. Feels he could serve best in that role.
TA suits his experience the best IMHO. Moving right along….
Not a politician, yet he shows a degree in political science. I guess all of that education has been pushed aside in an altruistic effort to offer something good to the community. Right
I know Mrs Faricy very well and respect her opinion.
Thank you for your tenure as TA
Moot issue.
Mr. Gibbs is THE perfect candidate to fill the position of TA. His impeccable resume and experience will allow him to walk right in the door and begin restoring respect to the office…….
I appreciate your opinion, Suzy Q, but I would still like an answer to my question.
Also, “the perfect candidate,” “impeccable resume”? Do you hear yourself? You sound like you have a school girl crush. Don’t idolize politicians. I’m sure Mr. Gibbs puts on his Dockers one leg
at a time just like everyone else.
Being human, expressing my adult opinion on the virtues of another. Simply put it does not resonate as a school girl crush but as an opinion to be respected. May we agree to disagree.
I’m sorry Miss q, but we all don’t see it your way. I am concerned Mr Gibbs has been oversold with his economic development experience since he runs a nonprofit agency with last I heard one employee. I have not been able to document the number of employees so I must say it is hearsay. However one two or five is not a large organization proving the ability to work with others. I get it he was successful with the industrial park in Cumberland. He actually mentioned on his own campaign page that he would be interested in resurrecting a failed project that he worked out with neighboring Town leaders. Good for him. If he is elected I certainly will support his efforts, but I refuse to write off the other candidate simply because she has not worked in economic development. She has plenty of experience and is probably the more well-rounded candidate. Thanks for your black and white opinion though.
And again, I do not insult others for your opinions. This townsppl need to learn how to give an opinion without going after the person with whom your opinion differs. It has caved the town. It needs to stop. And if you know not of certainty on a candidate, then omit any information of a contrary nature until sure of that info. Good journalism. And again, I say May we agree to disagree, so I do not understand why one feels the need to say they do not see it my way. Just state it respectfully.
And if Gibbs is over staying himself then surely that is a great point there. I know on the talk show he preferred a fire dept and police bldg together. Not just police. Does NS really need or want that? Big dollars. Bigger dollars.
Not quite following you, where was the insult?
We all don’t see it your way… and white opinion… resonates as snarky. Just share please.
It does seem that Gibbs is being made to be a big big businessman from what you say. Which does not seem quite fair to Ms Newberry. Please provide more info. Before elections are over….it matters! Informed decisions!
SuzyQ, to be clear I have decided to support Beth for Town administrator. Based on your question,I have been doing some research today. Some of it is a repeat of what I had done before, but to answer your question Scott Gibbs identifies his not for profit company on LinkedIn as having two to 10 employees. I still can only find evidence of one. He does have a seemingly large board of directors, but I was able to find tax filings that showed all of them take no salary so I assume they are there in an advisory capacity. I don’t know whether Sandy will accept a link in her comment section. I will ask her and get back to you. I could not find the company history I had seen earlier which talked about a prior family member founding the company which had been located in Massachusetts and obviously not called the Rhode Island development foundation. The name change occurred in 2005. I suspect that is when they moved their office to the Highland industrial park in Cumberland. Google maps shows a office style building at that address, and they are listed as suite 202. As you noticed my contention is Scott is probably very good at what he does but he, or others on his behalf, are presenting him as a successful businessman with a much larger presence than he really has. Maybe I am sensitive because I am also self-employed so I could call myself the president of my company, but my business card shows my real application which is manufacturers’ sales representative or sales agent. I suspect Scott’s true calling is Economic development consultant.
SuzyQ, if you use Facebook you can contact me as crusty codger over there. By the way my wife claims I am growing into everything that that name implies.
Lol! I already knew of you from Clifford page…but FB now only allows one scroll down for us non-FB ppl. The wife huh? And she still loves you, says a lot of your wonderful partnership! As with Mr Gibbs to discuss with his wife of his intentions to run for office.
Thanks for looking that up. That took a bit of research time! It does make a difference when all facts are known. Informed decisions! Both are VG candidates. Will be interesting to see how close this voting becomes!
Sandy said links are ok ..
Did you look up each unpaid member? All real estate brokers, bankers, lawyers, directors of other corporations. Lol. That is why unpaid….he is a consultant. Like all the others are. Thanks RG! Helps clarify a lot. Thanks for allowing the link also Sandy!
Previously on this site someone asked Mr. Gibbs why he filed for Town Council and 2 days later changed his mind and filed to run for Town Administrator. Can Mr. Gibbs please respond? I never saw an answer but he’s answered any other questions asked of him on this site.
I agree. Mr Gibbs stated he needed his wife on board to run for TA. Was she previously on board for TC and what changed their direction?
Does it really matter? Why the sudden untowards behavior to Mr Gibbs? I just don’t get it really. Will anyone ever be good enough?
The right question to ask is, if it doesn’t matter, why not answer the question? It is not an attack. It is a genuine request for information. I originally assumed he has a perfectly valid reason. Not answering the question makes me assume otherwise.
I will try to find additional information as you requested. Meanwhile the question of TC versus ta is important as to how it lines up with Scott’s previous response that he was taking time to bring his wife on board as he considered running for ta. Now people are claiming that that he originally intended to run for TC and he changed at the last second. This does not jive with taking time to discuss the position with his wife. Since it is hard to know the truth about any candidate I do look for ambiguities and this appears to be one. Therefore I would like to hear from him personally.
Was it before or after Beth filed? Did he not want an unopposed race? I don’t doubt for a minute who talked him into running.
Please educate us as to who would have guided him in that direction? For one thing another candidate dropped out when he heard Scott was running. There seems to be a strange amount of theories of collusion and maybe I’m just not in a position to understand all of the political infrastructure.
I did and I believe it was deleted.
RG….trying to rationalize the political infrastructure and climate of NS’s irrational nature, will only turn you into an irrational mindset. Just laugh, watch, hope for the best! Stay sane!